
The state of public finances: what will the next government inherit?

Anita Charlesworth and Carl Emmerson on the fiscal outlook facing a new government and what that might mean for health and social care.

28 June 2024

Not long after the general election was announced, the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) warned that the UK’s fiscal position will hang over the campaign like a dark cloud. With less than a week until polling day, questions are mounting about what an incoming government is likely to inherit and what that might mean for public finances in the next parliament. In this episode, Matthew Taylor talks to Carl Emmerson, deputy director of the IFS and Anita Charlesworth, director of research at the Health Foundation’s REAL Centre, to consider the financial picture awaiting a new government and what that means for health and social care. Before that, Cate McLaurin, director at Public Digital, reflects on recent cyberattacks on the NHS.

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