Spotlight On Katherine Saunders

Tell us a little bit about yourself
I have been Chief Executive of Alliance for Better Care GP Federation for the past three years, however my NHS career spans 23 years.
I began as a graduate trainee, working in acute management before running my own consultancy that focused on emergency care transformation in Trusts across London and the South East. I eventually joined ABC in 2019 and - together with an incredible team – we have established ourselves as both a key provider of services and a trusted partner within the two systems we work within.
When did you join NHS Confederation and why?
I joined in April 2021, principally because I feel Confed takes a positive approach to the transformational change that is currently needed in primary care. I also place huge value on the opportunities it offers for networking with peers who face the same challenges as us. For me, it’s important that it gives us the chance to make real, tangible changes while also influencing national policy.
What excites you the most about the direction of the NHS Confederation, and how will you contribute towards it?
I am excited by the opportunity for both federations and PCN leaders to work together on the Primary Care Advisory Group as I truly believe this has the potential to accelerate our ability to support real change around the country.
At ABC we have spent the past few years working hard to create innovative, engaging and collaborative projects, particularly around equity and continuity of care, and these have proved to be transformational within our local systems. It’s these kinds of experiences that we’re keen to share, whilst also having the opportunity to learn from other approaches.
What does it mean to you to be a member of the Primary Care Network Advisory Group?
It offers so much opportunity for change. I am constantly impressed by the combination of pragmatic realism regarding the NHS’ current situation, combined with ambitious optimism of what we can achieve together through collaborative working.
What is something members of the network, staff and even other Advisory Board members might be surprised to know about you?
My first intended career path was not always healthcare. In fact, for many years I wanted to be an archaeologist and I still watch old episodes of Time Team as a way of relaxing.