Celebrating 70 years of the NHS: what the future might look like

This briefing has been produced to celebrate the 70th birthday of the NHS, recognise how the NHS has evolved to meet patient need, and consider what the NHS of the future might look like.
Key points
The NHS was launched 70 years ago on 5 July 2018. This is an opportunity to:
- Celebrate the achievements of one of the nation’s most loved institutions.
- Consider how the NHS has evolved to meet changing needs.
- Talk about the wide array of opportunities being created by advances in science, technology and information.
- Thank the extraordinary NHS staff who are always there to advise and care for us.
- Discuss how we can plan to respond to the pressures facing the NHS to make it fit for the future.
- Consider what the NHS of the future could look like following the publication of the Welsh Government’s plan “A Healthier Wales: Our plan for Health and Social Care” and the vision for the future within it.