Collaboration in clinical leadership: the role of secondary care doctors on CCG governing bodies

This joint report, Collaboration in Clinical Leadership, from NHSCC and the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) highlights how collaborative working between CCG leaders and secondary care doctors can provide a real benefit to the health service provision of local people.
Since the Health and Social Care Act established CCGs in 2012 there has been some uncertainty around how secondary care doctors, on CCG governing bodies, can best support local commissioning. This report demonstrates the potential that this role can have, whether this is for the clinicians involved, or the wider CCG, or – most importantly – for local people and patients.
Through the use of case studies, from across England, it supports CCG leaders and secondary care doctors to understand how they can make the role work – whilst also showing the diverse ways secondary care doctors have contributed to CCGs since their creation two years ago.
The case studies within the report share their experiences on the challenges and successes they have faced, both personally and professionally, and how they are translating these experiences into learning for the future. They also focus on the flexibility the role has taken on – in particular how this has had the effect of tackling local pressures whilst making real changes to commissioning for local people.