
Letter to the Secretary of State on next steps for NHS regulation

Health secretary warned of the limited and fragile window of opportunity to embed the lean, light and agile transformation of the past few months.

26 August 2020

Read Letter-to-Health-Secretary-on-governance-and-regulation.pdf External link icon

Our letter to the health and social care secretary warns of the time-limited window to embed the lean, light and agile transformation of the past few months before the disruption of winter and a potential second wave of COVID-19.

The letter calls for the Secretary of State to take decisive action in a number of areas, including:

  • the light-touch approach to regulation seen over this period to remain
  • the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England and NHS Improvement to commit to not make further changes to reporting instruction, performance measures and
    targets that increase the burden on health leaders and their teams
  • duplication in regulation and performance management to be rationalised and the regulatory architecture reset towards system working to follow the trajectory of the NHS Long Term Plan.

Read the letter and the related report Lean, Light and Agile: Governance and Regulation in the aftermath of COVID-19.