NHS Long Term Workforce Plan: what you need to know

Key points
- Our members – leaders from across the health and care system – tell us that staffing pressures are their biggest concern in terms of giving patients the best possible care. Staffing shortfalls have been a long-standing issue and NHS vacancies now stand at 112,000. We therefore welcome the government’s publication of the first ever long-term workforce plan, which is something we and our members have been calling for years now.
- We have welcomed the thoughtful engagement led by Navina Evans, Amanda Pritchard and their teams and the support offered by the Secretary of State and his officials.
- Recruitment and retention remain significant barriers to service recovery and improvement. The plan’s modelling estimates that vacancies would rise to 360,000 by 2037 if no action is taken. Over the years we have seen a lack of investment in NHS staffing roles outside of hospitals. We welcome this plan’s ambition to correct this with ambitious growth targets for recruiting more staff into mental health, community care and primary care roles. This reflects the need to catch up from what has been a historically low starting point in these areas, especially in mental health and learning disability nursing.
- There will be a renewed focus on retention as this is, if anything, more important than attracting new staff into the NHS. Leaders will hope that the plan provides reassurance to staff that help is on the way to spread the workload, improve working conditions for them and improve care for patients. The mix of measures the plan proposes around flexible working, culture and training time will also support this.
- Parity of esteem between mental and physical health is reflected in the workforce plan, as well as the need to deliver more preventative and early intervention services.
- Key elements of the plan include:
- Doubling medical and adult nurse training places and increasing GP training places by 50 per cent.
- Increasing apprenticeships, especially in areas where it is harder to recruit. One in 6 of all training for clinical staff will be offered through apprenticeships by 2028 – vital to attracting more staff, including those from diverse backgrounds.
- Targets for more staff in mental health, community and primary care roles.
- Investment in technology.
- Expansion of training places for clinical psychologists and child and adolescent psychotherapy by a quarter.
- Expansion of personalised care roles such as social prescribers and peer support workers.
- Train more NHS staff domestically. In 15 years, expect around 9-10.5 per cent of workforce to be recruited from overseas compared to nearly a quarter now.
- We are encouraged by NHS England’s promise to review the plan “at least every two years”. This will be essential to reassess assumptions and take stock of where efforts and resources may need to be refocused. We will work closely with NHS England to support this regular evaluation; the NHS should not have to wait another 20 years for this moment.
- However, it is disappointing that the government has not committed to developing a comparative plan for the social care workforce.
- The plan is predicated on achieving ambitious productivity increases. NHS leaders share these ambitions, but at 1.5-2 per cent these are very stretching targets and well above the long-term average that has been delivered. ONS data shows that UK healthcare productivity grew by 0.9 per cent on average between 1997-2019. Even to achieve the lower end of the range will require major extra investment in technology, innovation and capital. It is welcome that this is acknowledged in the workforce plan.
- In terms of immediate next steps, the government should seek to reach an agreement with medical trade unions over pay as soon as possible to prevent the detrimental impact of ongoing industrial action on productivity and patient care. We also recommend attention turn to developing a comparative plan for the social care workforce, which plays an essential role in people’s care.
- We await further detail of the modelling that underpins this plan to be published and clarity around the future funding profile.
The NHS Long Term Workforce Plan 2023 covers a 15-year assessment of the workforce that will be needed for the future and provides a costed plan of how we develop the current NHS workforce to meet the future challenges.
Commissioned and accepted by the government, it provides a costed plan for how the NHS will develop to meet existing and future demand and challenges and support the health and wellbeing of the population. Over £2.4 billion has been committed to fund additional education and training places over the next five years, on top of existing funding commitments.
The plan sets out the strategic direction for the long term as well as short- to medium-term actions to be undertaken locally, regionally and nationally. Those actions fall into three priority areas:
- Train: Substantially growing the number of doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and support staff, which is underpinned by the £2.4 billion funding commitment.
- Retain: Renewing the focus and ushering in a major drive on retention, with better opportunities for career development and improved flexible working options. This comes alongside reforms to the pension scheme, with an aim to have 130,000 staff stay working in the NHS for longer.
- Reform: Working differently, and delivery training in new ways. Advances in technology and treatments will be explored and implemented to help the NHS modernize and meet future requirements.
The plan also sets out next steps, which set out principles around reviewing the plan and engaging stakeholders over the coming period. While this is a national plan, it allows for priority decisions to be taken at system and local level. There is also a commitment to the plan not being a one off but iterative, with further versions being developed and published on a more regular basis.
Next steps
Delivering and embedding the plan into our NHS structures
- The plan recommends actions at every level of the NHS across Employers, systems and national organisations will all need to contribute.
- NHSE will refresh the plan at least every two years, to ensure the assessment of demand stays up to date – kicking off an ongoing programme of work to embed an integrated approach to planning and delivery.
ICSs will play a critical role
- ICSs will be crucial in connecting the NHS to local authorities and wider system partners and building on progress to date. The plan most urgently recommends they prioritise actions that drive recruitment and retention of their ‘one workforce’ across health and care.
- The plan supports that systems determine their approach in light of local needs and opportunities, setting out priorities for workforce action in their five-year joint forward plans.
- NHSE acknowledge ICS leadership of the work is dependent on having sufficient capacity and technical capability for workforce planning, so they are expanding their support offer, including through a new tool providing system-level workforce intelligence, and facilitating an accredited Strategic Workforce Planning course.
Ongoing refinement of the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan
- Planning over a 15-year horizon requires an adaptable approach, so NHSE will keep the plan iterative and the position under assessment - refreshing modelling and reviewing training and education expansion.
- This extends most immediately to the assumptions around possible productivity improvement, a review of which may require increased levels of international recruitment in the short term or increase reliance on more expensive temporary staffing, until additional staff could be trained and recruited.
It will also take into account whether required increases in capital investment and digital infrastructure are taking place, alongside the ability of the social care sector to play a role in reducing demand for NHS services.
Overall comment
The government should be commended for backing NHS England to produce a thorough, bold and ambitious plan which, as far as possible, is based on the aims and ambitions of the wider NHS. We see this as the crucial first of three pillars that the NHS needs to thrive alongside a plan for the social care workforce and extra capital investment; all equally important to achieve the plan’s laudable aspirations.
While this plan has taken a long time to publish, we know it is the first step towards a longer-term change in how we recruit and retain our staff. We therefore welcome commitments from NHS England to regularly review and update the plan. We would like to see this happen every two to three years at minimum. This will help ensure we are on track or show us where efforts, and resources, should be refocused if necessary.
Productivity and capital
NHS leaders share the desire to increase healthcare productivity; doing so will allow us to meet the demand of an older population with more complex needs. However, the 1.5-2 per cent goal set out in the plan is almost double the historical annual average of 0.9 per cent going back to 1997.
Even to achieve the lower end of the range will require major extra capital investment. It is welcome the plan acknowledges the scale of this. However, the NHS has a long way to go. Capital spending in the NHS declined in real-terms between 2010/11 and 2017/18 and lags behind other OECD countries.
Social care workforce
We are seriously concerned that social care is absent from this plan. The NHS Confederation has written to the Prime Minister to urge his government to now begin work on a social care equivalent. This would help to:
- raise the status and value of careers in all social care settings and services
- transform staff experience, career development and productivity
- invest in pay and conditions to both attract people to work in the sector and reduce turnover
- enable better service integration between social care and health.
Training and education
We welcome the planned doubling of medical school places – something NHS leaders have long called for. While this will take years to bear fruit, it is essential to help future proof the NHS.
Apprenticeships will be critical if we are to increase the size of the NHS workforce and attract more people into the service from diverse backgrounds. We believe apprenticeships will provide a particular boost in areas where it is harder to recruit staff and reduce barriers to enable more diverse entrants looking to start a career in medicine.
Over the years we have seen a lack of investment in NHS staffing roles outside of hospitals. This plan aims to correct that with ambitious growth targets for recruiting more staff into mental health, community care and primary care roles. This reflects the need to catch up from what has been a historically low starting point in these areas, especially in mental health nursing.
Plans to increase the number of mental health and learning disability nurses are very welcome. It will, however, take time to increase these roles as we are starting from a very low base due to fewer nurses taking up training in these areas and domestic shortfall is not typically filled by international recruitment.
The increase in training places for clinical psychologists and child and adolescent psychotherapists is positive, but we are concerned that there does not seem to be any plans to increase the number of educational mental health practitioners who work in mental health support teams.
A commitment to increase GP training places and creating opportunities for training placements in general practice will help primary care. Not only will this better reflect activity levels within the NHS (approximately 90 per cent of all activity takes places within primary care) but it is also necessary to meet the ambitions of system-working, moving care upstream and – crucially – addressing workforce shortages that have left general practice seeing 12 per cent more patients than pre-pandemic with fewer full-time GPs.
Further, the plan sets out a commitment to using the full primary care workforce to its best ability, laying the foundations for a greater role for community pharmacy as laid out in the delivery plan for the recovery of primary care access. The expansion of training places for roles that form part of the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) is also a step in the right direction, especially given that, by the latest estimates, 29,000 professionals have been recruited via the Scheme, exceeding the goal of 26,000 by 2024.
The drop in life expectancy, combined with widening of health inequalities, shows an imminent need to focus disease prevention and health creation as well as treating illness. The commitment to increasing placements for the specialist public health workforce by 13 per cent over the next year should help.
We also welcome the commitment to training more healthcare scientists and hope this will support the adoption and embedding of health research into the NHS.
Training more healthcare workers involves a large amount of funding for both commissioned medical staff, but also for the placements necessary for non-commissioned roles like nurses. Therefore, it is good to see the government has committed new money to increase training budgets in the plan, rather than insisting that new training is paid for out of existing budgets. Increased capital investment will also help free staff time to train students on placement.
We are also pleased that there will be a renewed focus on retention. NHS leaders will hope that the plan provides reassurance to staff that NHS England is committed to improving working conditions for them and improve care for patients. The mix of measures the plan proposes around flexible working, culture and training time will support this.
However, international competition for a profession suffering a worldwide shortage means the UK must compete on pay with peer nations. Despite recent pay increases – still below inflation – healthcare workers have seen a decline in pay both in real terms and relative to other professions over the past decade. This reduces the relative attractiveness of healthcare and drives medical staff overseas.
At the same time, the Prime Minister recently said he would ignore the outcomes of various public pay bodies to control inflation. This is directly at odds with the need to retain skilled staff. Similarly, the recent Agenda for Change (AfC) pay settlement did not account for those not employed by statutory NHS bodies but that are on AfC pay rates, such as those throughout primary care and in Community Interest Companies. Despite this, the plan doesn’t address pay at all.
The government should seek to reach an agreement with trade unions over pay as soon as possible to prevent the detrimental impact of ongoing industrial action on productivity and patient care. While international recruitment will always have an important role to play, the measures outlined in the plan should, over time, help to reduce the NHS’s reliance on overseas staff and on the use of agency staff. We absolutely need to ensure our international colleagues are retained to develop and achieve their potential, but longer term the development of the domestic staff pipeline will help ensure that we are not depriving other countries of staff for the sake of our own health service.
The data, digital and technology workforce
Clearly better use of technology to innovate and deliver value for money and high-quality care is important. But greater use of technology should not be seen as an alternative to adequate, safe levels of staffing – levels which must keep pace with demand and grow as our population ages.
Further we urge NHS England to consider the number of digital, data and technology staff to meet their levels of ambition given the service’s ongoing struggle in some areas to recruit and retain this workforce. While it is disappointing that this crucial specialisation has not been included in the long-term workforce plan we know that NHS England are preparing a separate digital data and technology workforce plan and look forward to it being published soon.
Moving forward
- We look forward to reviewing the detailed modelling that underpins this plan to be published alongside implementation and funding plans; and look forward to working with the Secretary of State and NHS England to ensure that the capacity and infrastructure is in place to deliver the ambitions the government has set out.
- NHS England have correctly identified ICSs as having a central role to play in the delivery of the plan, uniquely positioned to be able to support the proposed reforms and tailor them to their local populations. They will be able to embed the proposed integrated approach, bringing together workforce planning with service and clinical strategies and financial planning.
- Our members will work hard to implement the plan and to support future more regular iterations of its findings.
Support for members
- We will support members with the implementation of this plan through our networks and forums, at every level across the system.
- NHS Employers, part of the NHS Confederation, has developed a bespoke guide on key actions alongside practical resources to help implement the plan.