NHSCC Nurses Forum writes open letter to ICS leads

Over the next few months, the NHS will see a rapid pace of organisational change, as integrated care systems (ICSs) are established as statutory bodies by April 2022. NHS Clinical Commissioners’ (NHSCC) Nurses’ Forum is the independent voice for the commissioning nurse.
Our purpose is to support our members in understanding and navigating system changes to ensure the commissioning nurse voice is heard at every level. Forum members understand that ICSs have the freedom to establish their own clinical leadership models; we are writing to emphasise the importance of ongoing executive nurse leadership within systems.
Specifically, by describing key aspects of the role, we wish to highlight the importance of executive nurse leadership in overseeing key statutory CCG functions, as the success of ICSs will depend on how they continue this expert oversight when these functions pass to ICSs in April 2022.