
Find the latest podcasts, reports, briefings and case studies from our experts in health and social care.
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Showing 1501 - 1512 of 1659 results

Brexit and mental health

Brexit and mental health outlines the possible implications of Brexit for the mental health sector.

29 January 2018

The impact of Brexit

How patients across Europe have benefited from pan-European collaboration on medical research.

28 January 2018

Innovation in housing, care and support

Four case studies on innovative support and care services delivered through collaborations between housing and healthcare providers.

15 December 2017

Making strategic commissioning work

Our briefing, making strategic commissioning work, aims to support the evolution of a more strategic commissioning function.

14 December 2017

Finance and the NHS in Wales

An overview of Welsh NHS finance, the pressures on the system and the actions being taken by local health boards and NHS trusts to address them.

4 December 2017

Building a Britain for the future

This briefing explains the industrial strategy’s aims and objectives, why it matters for the NHS and how the health service can play a part locally.

1 December 2017

Together We Care

Together We Care is intended to be a dynamic and flexible framework for NHS Wales organisations that will evolve over time.

1 October 2017

Steering towards strategic commissioning

This publication sets out CCGs’ vision for the future and what they need to get there at pace so they can deliver more for patients.

25 September 2017

NICE draft guideline on macular degeneration

NICE should withdraw recommendation that Bevacizumab should not be prescribed because it is cheaper or more cost effective than a licensed alternative

24 August 2017