Priority setting: managing individual funding requests Good-practice points in relation to managing individual funding requests and dealing with clinicians and patients. 1 January 2008
Partnership working This briefing looks at how the NHS and local government can work better in partnership and support each other through the challenging times ahead. 4 March 2007
Priority setting: an overview Supporting the development of decision-making in commissioning. 1 January 2007
Building back inclusively: the evidence Analysis of the latest data* and trends in waiting times, the impact on inequalities and what the NHS and patients can expect unless action is taken. 24 September 2021
Watch: Health inequalities and the elective and diagnostic backlog View the slides from our peer learning session on health inequalities and the elective and diagnostic backlog 17 September 2021
Response to DHSC consultation on making vaccination a condition of deployment Read and download our response to the Department of Health and Social Care's (DHSC) consultation on making vaccination a condition of deployment. 26 October 2021
Health and care bill: committee stage MPs urged to support an amendment imposing checks and balances on new powers for the health secretary to intervene in changes to local health services 21 September 2021
Supply chain resilience: supporting the NHS in challenging times Exploring the lessons learned over the pandemic and the steps being taken to ensure supply chain resilience. 10 October 2022
Associate of the month A monthly spotlight on an NHS Confederation associate member and how they are supporting the NHS to tackle a wide range of challenges. 1 September 2021
Module one: The role and purpose of primary care networks Exploring collective leadership and collaboration with local populations to create compassionate team cultures and enable large-scale change. 4 September 2023
Improving the Royal Free discharge lounge Investing in its discharge lounge enabled the Royal Free to improve patient flow 31 August 2023
Health and Safety Policy The management of health and safety of the workforce within the workplace of the NHS Confederation. 31 March 2024