What do the early emergency care sitreps tell us about this winter? Analysis of winter 2023's emergency care sitreps and the implications for the rest of the winter. 19 December 2023
Boosting referrals into urgent community response services to benefit patients How community providers can work with system partners to increase referrals to UCR services for the benefit of patients and system flow. 19 December 2023
Welsh NHS Confederation response to the Welsh Conservatives Health Roundtable Welsh NHS Confederation response to the Welsh Conservatives Health Roundtable. 15 December 2023
Alleviating winter pressures: how digital is supporting system flow An in-depth look at how NHS Gloucestershire is using digital ways of working and data to improve patient flow and alleviate winter pressures. 15 December 2023
Primary care provider collaboratives: what you need to know An in-depth look at primary care provider collaboratives. 15 December 2023
Dr Jane Padmore: The joy and fulfilment of working for people with a learning disability Dr Jane Padmore on learning disabilities, inequalities, autism and neurodiversity. 13 December 2023
Memorandum of Understanding: Arts Council of Wales and Welsh NHS Confederation 2023 Memorandum of Understanding between the Arts Council of Wales and the Welsh NHS Confederation, signed 12 December 2023. 12 December 2023
Memorandwm cyd-ddealltwriaeth: Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru A Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru 2023 Memorandwm Cyd-ddealltwriaeth rhwng Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru, arwyddo 12 December 2023. 12 December 2023
Cavendish Coalition letter to the Prime Minister Following changes to the Health and Care visa announced on 4 December 2023, the Cavendish Coalition raised concern with the Prime Minister. 9 December 2023
Is immigration harming the NHS? The NHS workforce come from overseas as well as the UK. Is that a bad thing? 8 December 2023
Are A&E waiting times bad because too many people are going there who don’t need to? A&E departments are undoubtedly under great pressure. Is it simply down to who's going or are there wider problems? 8 December 2023
Would charging patients for missed appointments help fund the NHS? Would charging £10 for missed appointments help or hinder the NHS and the people it's here to serve? 8 December 2023