
Find the latest podcasts, reports, briefings and case studies from our experts in health and social care.
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Showing 421 - 432 of 1586 results

A united voice for health and care

Read about our achievements on behalf of members across health and care in 2022/23.

24 February 2023

Backbench Business Committee debate on the NHS

The NHS Confederation produced a briefing for MPs ahead of a Backbench Business Debate on the future of the NHS, its funding and staffing.

23 February 2023

Health inequalities case studies

Access our library of case studies sharing innovative work underway across the sector to tackle health inequalities.

21 February 2023

Letter to the Prime Minister

Matthew Taylor and Lord Victor Adebowale wrote to the Prime Minister imploring him to negotiate with health unions on pay as strikes escalate.

17 February 2023

The preventative potential of social care

The conversation between health and care needs to go beyond hospital discharge and into the more positive and fruitful territory of prevention.

13 February 2023

Spring Budget 2023 representation

The NHS Confederation's submission to HM Treasury ahead of the Spring Budget on 15 March.

9 February 2023

Publication and Useful Links

The page contains links to Job Evaluation Publications and JE links you may find useful.

9 February 2023

Training Courses

Find details of JE training courses and information you can use.

9 February 2023