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Showing 37 - 48 of 64 results

Queen's Speech December 2019

A digest of the legislation announced in the December 2019 Queen's Speech of note to the NHS.

20 December 2019

Time to deliver

Reflections on the pledges made in the Conservative Party manifesto and how NHS Confederation members believe they should be developed.

18 December 2019

Liberal Democrats’ general election manifesto

This briefing assesses the key commitments in the Lib Dems' manifesto against the issues that NHS Confederation members are most concerned about

21 November 2019

The NHS and future free trade agreements

This report argues trade deals post Brexit should be assessed to ensure that commercial advantage is not prioritised over human and economic health.

22 October 2019

Brexit temperature check

A temperature check of the views of health leaders at this stage of Brexit planning.

18 October 2019

The Queen's Speech

A briefing on the legislation announced in the Queen's Speech of note to the NHS.

15 October 2019

European funding after Brexit

The result of the referendum in 2016 and the possibility of a ‘no deal’ Brexit means there is uncertainty over the future of European funding to Wales

23 August 2019

EU funding to Wales after Brexit

Overview of the changes and implications of European funding to Wales within the context of the UK exiting the EU

23 August 2019