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Showing 205 - 216 of 272 results

Addressing professional standards in Wales

This procedure sets out the approach to addressing conduct, capability and performance for all consultant doctors and dentists employed in NHS Wales.

27 February 2020

Employment Break Scheme

This policy recognises that employees may wish to take a break from their substantive employment and provides a means of facilitating this.

1 January 2020

#FixSocialCare pledge

Printable pledge to use in photos as part of the #FixSocialCare campaign

14 November 2019

Fit for the future

The NHS Confederation has surveyed its members in England to gauge what they feel are their most critical priorities for an incoming government.

11 September 2019

The NHS patient safety strategy

This briefing summarises the key points of the NHS patient safety strategy, provides analysis and the NHS Confederation's response.

23 July 2019