Voluntary Early Release Scheme

NHS Wales is entering a challenging period of profound and sustained change.
“Together for Health” describes the nature of these changes and the accompanying Workforce & OD framework highlights the challenges facing the workforce and its leaders in moving to new patterns of service delivery.
It is clear that such moves will require substantial and rapid changes to take place to the number, location, working patterns and skill mix of staff.
This scheme has been designed as an enabling tool to support the flexibility of NHS Wales organisations in addressing the demands of rapid change and service re-design.
It is not intended to replace existing terms and conditions or policy agreements but rather to supplement the range of options open to individual members of staff and their organisations in meeting the changing circumstances ahead.
The Voluntary Early Release Scheme has been designed to assist staff in taking a personal decision regarding their future employment and enable staff who may wish to leave their employment with NHS Wales to do so with an appropriate compensatory payment.
Cynllun Gadael Swydd yn Gynnar o Wirfodd
Mae’r GIG yng Nghymru ar fin profi cyfnod heriol o newid dwys a pharhaol. Mae “Law yn Llaw at Iechyd” yn disgrifio natur yr heriau hyn ac mae fframwaith ategol y Gweithlu a Datblygu Sefydliadol yn amlygu’r heriau sy’n wynebu’r gweithlu a’i arweinwyr wrth symud at batrymau newydd o ddarparu gwasanaethau.
Mae’n amlwg y bydd y fath symudiadau yn gofyn am gyflwyno newidiadau sylweddol a chyflym i nifer, lleoliad, patrymau gwaith a chymysgedd sgiliau staff.
Nod y cynllun hwn yw bod yn offeryn galluogi i ategu hyblygrwydd sefydliadau’r GIG yng Nghymru wrth fynd i’r afael â galwadau newid cyflym ac ailgynllunio gwasanaethau.
Ni fwriedir iddo ddisodli telerau ac amodau na threfniadau polisi presennol ond yn hytrach ategu’r ystod o opsiynau sydd ar gael i aelodau unigol o staff a’u sefydliadau wrth wynebu’r amgylchiadau newidiol sydd o’u blaenau.
Nod y Cynllun Gadael Swydd yn Gynnar o Wirfodd yw helpu staff i wneud penderfyniad personol ynghylch eu cyflogaeth yn y dyfodol a galluogi staff sy’n dymuno gadael eu swydd gyda GIG Cymru i wneud hynny gyda thaliad digolledu priodol.