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Showing 1 - 12 of 272 results

NHS leadership, performance and patient safety

The NHS Confederation's evidence submission to the Health and Social Care Committee's inquiry on NHS leadership, performance and patient safety.

17 April 2024

A vision for the NHS ambulance sector

Exploring the potential for the ambulance service to take a greater role in leading and co-designing urgent and emergency care provision.

15 March 2024

An investment not a drain

Views from the service on the value of equality, diversity and inclusion to the NHS.

13 March 2024

Budget 2024

Key points and analysis from the Spring Budget 2024.

6 March 2024

Spring Budget 2024 representation

The NHS Confederation's submission to HM Treasury ahead of the Spring Budget on 6 March.

4 March 2024

Making an impact

Our achievements on behalf of members over 2023/24.

19 February 2024

Improving health and care together

Find out more about how we support health and care organisations, systems and leaders.

16 February 2024