Primary care provider collaboratives: what you need to know An in-depth look at primary care provider collaboratives. 15 December 2023
NHS Confederation and AstraZeneca health inequalities collaboration agreement Enhancing patient care through population health-focused solutions. 1 December 2023
Understanding the role of mental health practitioners in primary care Discover how mental health practitioners in primary care are supporting people to access the right care at the right time. 30 October 2023
Supporting general practice at scale: fit for 2024/25 and beyond Tangible actions to address some of the immediate pressures facing general practice and primary care networks across the country. 11 October 2023
Empowered, connected and respected Exploring what is needed to develop a robust, resilient and thriving future for primary care. 18 September 2023
Dr Raghib Ali: We need a cross-society effort to improve health Dr Raghib Ali on preventative healthcare, the role of data, and why a more nuanced approach to health inequalities is needed. 7 June 2023
A year on from the Fuller stocktake Ruth Rankine shares her thoughts on the Fuller stocktake, which was published a year ago tomorrow. 26 May 2023
Dr Neil Modha: We’ve tailored our workforce to the needs of our population Dr Neil Modha on primary care entrepreneurship, population health and innovations in workforce and estates. 24 May 2023
Delivery plan for recovering primary care access A summary of the key areas relevant to integrated care boards in NHS England's delivery plan for the recovery of primary care access. 10 May 2023
Understanding the primary care research landscape Enabling primary care researchers to find support and potential partners. 5 April 2023
Spotlight on Simone Yule Simone Yule is GP and Clinical Director at The Vale Network PCN 28 March 2023
Letter to the Chancellor: NHS workforce plan The NHS will be stuck in perpetual crisis management without a fully funded workforce plan, Chancellor warned. 11 March 2023