Homeworking advice and guidance for managers and staff Approaches which both employers and employees can follow to ensure that individuals continue to be effectively supported. 27 March 2020
From place-based to place-led This report describes the essential role of place-based approaches in taking forward the NHS reform agenda. 23 March 2020
How CCGs can support PCNs and practices in light of COVID-19 This briefing outlines what CCGs should be planning for primary care, at both PCN and general practice level, to respond to the coronavirus. 20 March 2020
The Coronavirus Bill This short briefing details the measures included in the Coronavirus Bill, which seeks to enable public bodies to effectively respond to COVID-19. 19 March 2020
Supported housing This briefing explores the impact of high-quality supported housing on people with mental health problems, the patient pathway and NHS finances. 19 March 2020
Y prif materion ar gyfer sefydliadau iechyd a gofal Gan ein bod bellach yn y Cyfnod Pontio, bydd y briff hwn yn ategu’r prif faterion ar gyfer y sector yng Nghymru. 13 March 2020
Budget 2020 A rundown of the headline points from the 2020 Budget, with analysis for the NHS and reaction from across the NHS Confederation. 11 March 2020
Financial reform as an enabler of change in Bradford How Bradford has used system control totals and fixed-income contracts to align incentives, pool risk and achieve financial balance. 10 March 2020
Financial reform: a day in Bradford Gain insight into how financial and other reforms in Bradford are making a difference to system partners, staff and residents. 10 March 2020
Knowing who to call Guiding integrated care system (ICS) leaders on how they can shape their local labour market to best determine and develop the future workforce. 5 March 2020
Bringing care back home An economic evaluation of six pilot sites focused on children and young people who are being treated for their mental health out of area. 5 March 2020
Galwadau Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru ar gyfer Etholiadau’r Senedd 2021 Fel llais cydnabyddedig arweinyddiaeth y GIG yng Nghymru, rydym yn hyrwyddo’r system iechyd a gofal trwy gryfder ein haelodau gyda’i gilydd 3 March 2020