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Showing 133 - 144 of 224 results

Discharge to assess

This Community Network briefing sets out the case for permanent funding to support the ‘discharge to assess’ model.

14 June 2021

Tackling accelerating waiting lists

As waiting lists accelerate due to COVID-19, this letter highlights how the health secretary can unlock a ‘summer of opportunity’ for the NHS.

11 May 2021

The Queen's Speech 2021

An overview of the Queen’s Speech, analysis of bills that carry implications for health and care, and a look at what they mean for the sector.

11 May 2021

NHS budget uncertainty

Chancellor urged to provide immediate certainty to NHS organisations on budget for 2021/22.

16 March 2021

Budget 2021

A summary of the government's 2021 Budget and the implications for the health and care sector.

3 March 2021

NHS recovery priorities

NHS leaders seek a guarantee that the PM will stay true to his promise to protect the NHS as the immediate threat of COVID-19 continues to recede.

10 February 2021