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Showing 217 - 228 of 386 results

COPD after COVID-19

Building on new ways of working to deliver better integrated care for patients with a chronic obstructive respiratory disease (COPD).

6 May 2021

Reforming the Mental Health Act white paper

Without significant additional resource for the NHS, social care and the Tribunal Service, the proposals will not be successfully implemented.

21 April 2021

Community and district nursing services

Community nurses help meet the needs of elderly, disabled or vulnerable patients, as well as adults and young people living with complex conditions.

16 April 2021

An emerging consensus

Latest poll finds cross-party consensus on the need for social care reform, in particular on funding.

10 March 2021

Building back elective care

This briefing explores what lies ahead for the health service and patients, based on modelling of referral-to-treatment waiting trajectories in 2021.

7 March 2021