What the latest data tells us about COVID-19 and the NHS The latest data shows COVID-19 hospital admissions, bed occupancy and staff absence continuing to rise. 24 March 2022
Spring Statement 2022: parliamentary briefing The cost-of-living crisis will have a significant impact on NHS services and their ability to tackle the elective backlog. 24 March 2022
Spring Statement 2022: what you need to know Analysis of what the Spring Statement means for health and social care. 23 March 2022
Health and care bill report stage (House of Lords) A summary of what peers’ amendments to the health and care bill would mean for integrated care systems (ICSs), if they were to stand. 23 March 2022
Health and care bill: Lords Third Reading There is clear consensus across our membership that this Bill facilitates integration and collaboration at place. However, some issues remain. 22 March 2022
Principles for the first year of system regulation This report sets out a set of principles that should drive the actions of regulators over the first year of system regulation and oversight. 18 March 2022
What the latest data tells us about long waiters for elective care The latest data on long waiters, how it compares to previous years, and how the challenges can be combatted. 17 March 2022
How is the NHS performing this winter? 7 to 13 March The latest data shows staff absences related to COVID-19, ambulance delays and delayed discharge to be increasing. 17 March 2022
Reshaping the relationship between the public and the NHS Briefing examining the importance of engaging and communicating with the public, showcasing case studies from each NHS organisation in Wales. 16 March 2022
Sir Richard Leese: COVID-19 has made us realise all parts of the system are equally important Sir Richard Leese on provider collaboratives, tough decisions, devolution and lessons learnt from COVID-19. 16 March 2022
Role of Welsh Local Authorities in delivering public services and economic development As an anchor institution, the NHS in Wales can work with Local Authorities to drive economic development. 15 March 2022
Terms and Conditions of Service Specialist (Wales) Terms and conditions of service for specialists in NHS Wales. 15 March 2022