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Showing 73 - 84 of 386 results

Improving patient flow for children

Case study from the The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust on reducing waiting times in Childrens Emergency Department.

3 May 2023

Reducing mental health inequalities

This infographic illustrates some of the causes of mental health inequalities in Wales and what can be done to reduce them.

2 May 2023

Hewitt review: what you need to know

Summary and analysis of Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt's review into the oversight, governance and accountability of integrated care systems (ICSs).

4 April 2023

Prevention in health and social care

The NHS Confederation's scope proposal to the Health and Social Care Select Committee's inquiry on prevention in health and social care.

24 March 2023


The NHS Confederation's written evidence submission to the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee's inquiry on dentistry.

21 March 2023

Tackling poverty and the cost of food

The NHS Confederation sent a briefing to MPs ahead of a Westminster Hall debate on tackling poverty and food costs that took place on 1st March 2023.

1 March 2023