‘Can’t do it all’ – why PCNs need great management Talking points and key questions on management within primary care networks. 1 December 2020
Special Leave Policy Policy on the approach to special leave and the procedure for dealing with applications for special leave. 1 December 2020
Workforce – maximising the potential of new PCN roles Talking points and key questions on the potential of new roles under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS). 1 December 2020
Working effectively as a rapidly developing team An overview of talking points and key questions at this PCN Network conference session on working effectively as a rapidly developing team. 1 December 2020
Working in systems Talking points and key questions on how PCNs can work better in systems. 1 December 2020
Inquiry into Wellbeing of Future Generations Act Welsh NHS Confederation response to the Public Accounts Committee’s inquiry into barriers to implementing the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act 2015 30 November 2020
Response to scrutiny of the Welsh Government's Draft Budget proposals The Welsh NHS Confederation's response to the Finance Committee’s scrutiny of the Welsh Government’s 2021/2022 Draft Budget proposals. 30 November 2020
Ten high-impact actions for integrated care success In the absence of a defined blueprint for integrated care system success, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS present their learning. 27 November 2020
Advisory notice: Consultants and SAS doctors pay during COVID-19 Confirms a doctor’s right to return to previously agreed pre-COVID19 Job Plan, to be held in abeyance for the duration of emergency arrangements. 26 November 2020
Next steps to building strong and effective integrated care systems across England An overview of NHS England and NHS Improvement's proposals for the future of integrated care systems (ICSs) in England. 26 November 2020
Spending Review 2020 Analysis of the government's spending plans for 2021/22 and implications for the health and care sector. 25 November 2020
Preparing your NHS organisation for the end of the EU exit period A quick guide to help NHS organisations prepare in the event that a free trade agreement is not reached by the end of the year. 23 November 2020