British summer risks becoming even more difficult for the NHS to navigate than winter
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, comments on the ongoing effects of the heatwave on the NHS.
Showing 2091 - 2100 of 4633 results
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, comments on the ongoing effects of the heatwave on the NHS.
18 July 2022
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, responds to the Royal College of Physicians' data on unfilled physician roles.
18 July 2022
The proposed government policy to end the provision of BTEC Nationals in health and social care will exacerbate the workforce crisis in the NHS.
18 July 2022
Matthew Taylor calls on candidates for the Conservative Party leadership election to be honest about the scale of the challenges facing the NHS.
17 July 2022
Danny Mortimer responds to speculative reports in the Financial Times about the pay award for NHS staff and lack of additional funding to cover it.
16 July 2022
Ruth Rankine, director of primary care, responds to the announcement that all over-50s will be offered a COVID-19 booster and flu jab this autumn.
15 July 2022
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, responds to the level 4 heatwave alert.
15 July 2022
Our view on the situation facing the NHS when the pandemic began, how events unfurled and core considerations for the COVID-19 inquiry.
15 July 2022
This guidance highlights the roles and responsibilities of NHS organisations in Wales and partners in the recruitment of consultants.
15 July 2022
50 organisations in Wales come together to call for renewed cross-government action to tackle inequalities and ill-health.
14 July 2022