Matthew Taylor appointed as new chief executive of the NHS Confederation Announcing Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) as our new chief executive. 12 April 2021
Visa extension welcome; long-term workforce strategy still needed Commenting on the announcement that a free one-year visa extension will be given to eligible healthcare workers and their dependents. 9 April 2021
Andrew Davies Andrew has 25 years' experience in senior level roles in health related fields in the NHS, private sector and voluntary sector in England and Wales. 9 April 2021
Sue Green Sue has over 30 years’ experience as a people professional, 15 years as an Executive Director in the NHS in both Wales and England. 9 April 2021
Julie Das-Thompson Julie is responsible for and oversees NHSCC’s policy work programme as well as the management of core elements of its membership offer and strategy. 9 April 2021
Michael Wood Michael advises leaders on policy, partnerships and funding relating to skills and workforce, estates, innovation, population health and finance. 9 April 2021
Nasima Hossain Nasima has extensive experience in health programme management and public health advocacy experience from the UK, Africa and the US. 9 April 2021
William Pett Will is Head of Policy, Public Affairs and Research at Healthwatch England. 9 April 2021