Membership benefits
As the only membership body for the whole health and care system, the NHS Confederation has a unique role to play in promoting collaboration and partnership working, bringing together all parts of the system to foster integration between services and leaders.
Alongside their ICS Network member benefits, all ICSs are currently able to access a wider pool of NHS Confederation resources, publications, events and webinars, and have opportunities to address key system-wide themes and connect with wider Confed members to understand their experience and perspectives.
Our ICS Network Strategy outlines our work for 2024/25 and how we plan to support all our members:
“I really enjoy being part of the ICS network. Obviously it's a great opportunity to share ideas, practice, woes and perspectives, with colleagues across the country and to hear about what others are up to and pick up some ideas. It also very helpful to be in a space which is away from the day to day work, to have space to stimulate thoughts about future developments.”
John Turner, CEO Lincolnshire ICB
ICS Network members can also connect to wider NHS Confederation activity and peer support on issues including provider collaboratives and place-based working, linking with peers from across the health and care sector.
Members can also benefit from the NHS Confederation’s leadership networks, including our Non-Executive Leaders Network, BME Leaders Network, LGBTQ+ Leaders Network and Health and Care Women Leaders Network.
“I really value being a member of the ICS network. It's really important to be able to work with people doing similar jobs in different parts of the country. It's a personal level of support and it’s a professional level of support, which allows you to exchange good ideas and tackle wicked issues together.”
Rob Webster, CEO West Yorkshire ICB