Leadership and Improvement programmes

Leadership and improvement programmes for system leaders

System leaders have an opportunity to bring about long-lasting change for the populations they serve.

To support them to achieve this mission, we have developed a range of leadership and improvement programmes. Partnering with a range of organisations across health and care, and beyond, the programmes equip leaders for the challenges ahead and help them to learn from each other through peer support and learning.

Connected Leadership 2025

We are inviting ICS Leaders to take part in our new programme Connected Leadership 2025. This is aimed at supporting leaders to navigate their roles in these evolving times and to deliver the three Government shifts. We will support you to move from concept to concrete action within your systems.  

The programme is free to ICSs and is made possible by sponsorship from Boehringer Ingelheim Limited. 

Find out more

Learning and Improving Across Systems

The Health Foundation, NHS Confederation and the Q community are working in partnership to support health and care systems to learn and improve. 

The partnership will bring the improvement expertise of the Health Foundation and the networks and relationships of NHS Confederation together with Q’s membership community of over 5,000 people collaborating to improve the safety and quality of care.

Applications for Learning and Improving Across Systems 2025 are due to open in May. 

Find out more.

Digital ICS Leaders Programme

Supporting ICS leaders to seize the digital opportunity and deliver their system ambitions.

This programme is delivered by the NHS Confederation, NHS Providers and Public Digital and is supported by Health Education England and NHS England.

Find out more.

Health Inequalities NEDs Leadership Development Programme 

Helping ICB Chairs and NEDs to create the right culture, leadership and governance to tackle inequalities.