ICS Network forums

Connecting system leaders in a safe space for idea exchange and shared challenges, through our dedicated forums.

Our regular ICS Network Board and ICS Network Chairs and CEOs meetings provide a dedicated independent space for ICS chairs and ICS executive leaders to exchange ideas, share experiences and challenges, and connect directly with policy makers to influence national thinking. 

All ICS members can connect with their peers through our dedicated forums, such as our Finance Forum and the ICS communications and engagement leads forum, helping to influence specific areas of work.

Alongside these forums, members can also connect to wider NHS Confederation activity and peer support on issues including provider collaboratives and place-based working, linking with peers from across the health and care sector. 

Members can also benefit from the NHS Confederation’s leadership networks, including our Non-Executive Leaders Network, BME Leaders Network, LGBTQ+ Leaders Network and Health and Care Women Leaders Network.

Join a forum

“The ICS network communications forum is really valuable to me, it means I get to network and hear from my peers all across the country. We can share ideas and updates in a safe space, which means everyone can make quicker progress on improving things for citizens and patients.” 

Alex Ball, director of communications and engagement, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS

  • An independent space for ICS chief executives to exchange ideas, share experiences and develop solutions.

    To join, please email Sarah Walter

  • An independent space for ICB chairs to exchange ideas, share experiences and develop solutions.

    To join, please email Sarah Walter

  • An independent space for integrated care partnership chairs to exchange ideas, develop solutions and shape policy development.

    To join, please email Ian Perrin

  • The NHS Confederation’s ICS Network and The Queen’s Nursing Institute have developed a joint initiative offering ICB Chief Nurses the opportunity to join a network supporting nurse leadership within integrated care systems (ICSs). 

    Recognising that these roles require a new type of support, given that systems operate differently from previous NHS organisations, the partnership will work with ICB Chief Nurses to achieve the objectives of strong system leadership, integrating care and tackling inequalities in health. 

    Chaired by Lou Patten, NHS Confederation strategic advisor and fellow of the QNI, the ICB Chief Nurses Network aims to offer a confidential, safe space to engage with peers through the development journey of collective leadership, mutual accountability, local and national political management and fostering innovation and improvement, while operating within the principles of subsidiarity. 

    Apply to join

  • A space for integrated care board (ICB) chief people officers (CPOs) to exchange ideas, share experiences and develop solutions.

    For further information and how to join take a look at NHS Employers website.

  • The first dedicated network for integrated care system communications and engagement leaders.

    To join, please contact Sarah Miller.

  • The forum brings together senior digital leaders across ICBs to share learning, exchange ideas and shape policy development.

    To join, please email Rezina Hakim.

  • An independent space for ICS mental health programme directors and leads to exchange ideas, share experiences and develop solutions.

    To join, please email Chris Truscott

  • A space for mental health housing service providers and others interested in this area to strengthen their independent, collective voice in the national policy debate.

    To join, please email Mental Health Network

  • This quarterly forum is for all non-executive directors within integrated care boards. To find out more contact Helen Wolstenholme

  • A quarterly forum for systems to collaborate with national and local public health teams, run jointly by the NHS Confederation, the Local Government Association, and the Association of Directors of Public Health. For more information contact office.icsnetwork@nhsconfed.org

  • Provider organisations have historically worked together to address mutual challenges. But the requirement for some providers to be part of a collaborative, and the formal role for provider collaboratives in the structure of integrated care systems, are new and need careful consideration.

    Our provider collaboration action learning set brings together people working on provider collaboratives  to share learning, exchange ideas and shape policy development.

    To join, please email Ian Perrin

  • Our System Productivity Forum is open to members across the NHS Confederation with an interest in productivity to explore shared challenges, develop solutions and influence national policy-making.

    To find out more or to join the forum, email Skeena Williamson

  • An independent space for ICS strategy directors to exchange ideas, share experiences and develop solutions.

    To join, please email Ian Perrin.

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