Anthony Kelly Anthony is Chair of South Worcestershire CCG. He trained in Birmingham and worked in New Zealand for two years before returning to the UK. 9 June 2021
Jayne Mellor Jayne has worked across health and social care in senior leadership roles for a number of years, primarily in commissioning and transformation roles. 9 June 2021
Nazim Jivani Nazim was elected as a representative for the London geographical constituency in July 2018. 9 June 2021
Laura Hill Dr Laura Hill has been a GP in West Sussex since 2004 and is currently Clinical Chair of Crawley CCG and Horsham Mid Sussex CCG. 9 June 2021
Jo Harding Jo qualified as a registered nurse in 1992 and subsequently as a registered health visitor practising clinically in Leeds and York. 9 June 2021
Anoop Dhesi Anoop was elected as East of England geographical constituency representative on the NHSCC Board in 2018. 9 June 2021
Tracey Cox Tracey has been the accountable officer for Bath and North East Somerset CCG (BaNES CCG) since November 2014. 9 June 2021
Dr Kiren Collison Kiren has a particular interest in strengthening primary care, preventing illness and tackling health inequalities. 9 June 2021
Marion Andrews-Evans Marion is responsible for the delivery of the quality strategy and quality assurance systems. 9 June 2021
Barbara Rushton Barbara has been South Eastern Hampshire CCG’s clinical chair since the organisation started. 9 June 2021