Is integration everyone’s problem but no one’s responsibility?
Matthew Taylor sets out five steps which could help bring together local responsibility for heath and social care.
Showing 2711 - 2720 of 4626 results
Matthew Taylor sets out five steps which could help bring together local responsibility for heath and social care.
25 November 2021
Access the recording and FAQs from our session on ICS governance structures and practical actions for non-executive directors.
24 November 2021 12:00 - 13:00 GMT
Dr Layla McCay says that frequent testing for coronavirus, alongside mask wearing, ventilation and other measures is still very important.
24 November 2021
Matthew Taylor warns that the House of Commons report stage of the health and care bill is a failed opportunity.
24 November 2021
The WNHSC welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Finance Committee consultation into Welsh Government’s 2022-2023 Draft Budget proposals.
24 November 2021
Layla McCay welcomes the news that NHS Digital, NHS X and HEE are to merge into NHS England and Improvement.
23 November 2021
While most of its proposals are welcome, the health and care bill’s weakness is the power it gives the health secretary to make clinical decisions.
23 November 2021
Unchecked powers for the Secretary of State risk undermining progress towards integration, transparency, patient safety and quality of care.
23 November 2021
Briefing showcasing case studies from some of the NHS organisations in Wales on how they are responding to the climate emergency.
22 November 2021
Our director of primary care, Ruth Rankine, welcomes the new chair of the BMA's GP Committee
18 November 2021