International health services Raising awareness of learning opportunities from across the globe for Confederation members.
Our international partnerships We collaborate with several international associations to share learning, promote NHS expertise, access opportunities, and influence policy.
Key learning from international conferences Lessons from international health services we can apply to improve the way we deliver healthcare in the NHS.
Nanda Ratnavel Nanda has spent most of his working career within finance in healthcare environments and joins us as Trustee and Chair of Audit and Risk Committee. 6 June 2021
Prof Joe Harrison CBE Professor Joe Harrison CBE has been an NHS acute hospital Chief Executive for over ten years. 6 June 2021
NHS reform Influencing on behalf of our members ahead of the most significant reforms to the NHS in a decade.
The Acute Network team We provide support and a voice for acute trusts, integrated providers and ambulance services, supporting your leadership role at place and in systems.
EU collaboration Sharing good practice and innovative ideas in EU countries to help healthcare leaders overcome today’s common challenges.
Accessing EU funding To support the innovation agenda, the EU has reviewed its range of funding programmes. Five are of particular interest to the NHS.