Prevention, integration and implementation
How the upcoming major conditions strategy can set the conditions to prevent, treat and manage multimorbidity in England.
Showing 171 - 180 of 753 results
How the upcoming major conditions strategy can set the conditions to prevent, treat and manage multimorbidity in England.
14 July 2023
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, comments on the government's acceptance of the Pay Review Body's recommendation
13 July 2023
Ruth Rankine, director of primary care, comments on the 2023 GP Patient Survey.
13 July 2023
Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICS is exceeding the national targets for improving access to support for people at risk of type 2 diabetes.
13 July 2023
A data-gathering project in Bradford is preventing long-term health problems from becoming more complex in the future.
13 July 2023
With the NHS celebrating its 75th anniversary, Matthew Taylor reflects on what's needed for it to 'survive and thrive for the next 75 years'.
6 July 2023
Written evidence submission to the House of Common's Health and Social Care Committee inquiry on Pharmacy.
6 July 2023
Report from the Welsh NHS Confederation calling for a national conversation on how we co-produce a health and care service for the future.
4 July 2023
Adroddiad gan Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru yn galw am sgwrs genedlaethol ar sut rydym yn cyd-gynhyrchu gwasanaeth iechyd a gofal ar gyfer y dyfodol.
4 July 2023
Rydym yn galw am sgwrs genedlaethol i gyd-gynhyrchu gwasanaeth iechyd a gofal ar gyfer y dyfodol.
4 July 2023