The 2019/20 Pension Annual Allowance Charge Policy (Wales) GP partners, salaried GPs or self-employed GP locums could beneft if you use scheme pays to pay this charge. 21 April 2021
Ffurflen Gais Cynllun Iawndal Tâl Lwfans Blynyddol (Cymru) 2019/20 Dylech gwblhau Rhannau 1 a 2, cyn rhoi'r ffurflen i'ch prif awdurdod cyflogi i gwblhau Rhan 3. 21 April 2021
Access to national workforce supply routes for PCN groupings An overview of NHSEI guidance on how PCN groupings can access national workforce supply routes for the vaccination programme. 16 April 2021
FAQs for applicants Frequently asked questions on the 2019/20 Pension Annual Allowance Charge Compensation Scheme. 15 April 2021
Cwestiynau Cyffredin ar gyfer cyflogwyr clinigwyr cymwys Dyluniwyd y ddogfen hon i roi trosolwg i gyflogwyr o rai cwestiynau cyffredin mewn perthynas â chynllun iawndal 2019/20. 15 April 2021
Cwestiynau Cyffredin ar gyfer ymgeiswyr Cwestiynau cyffredin ar Gynllun Iawndal Tâl Lwfans Blynyddol 2019/20. 15 April 2021
2021/22 priorities and operational planning guidance A summary of the key points regarding primary care. 6 April 2021
Recruiting advanced practitioners through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme This guide explains the ARRS and highlights how advanced practitioners can support population health management. 1 April 2021
Recruiting mental health practitioners through the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme This guide explains the ARRS and highlights how MHPs can support population health management. 1 April 2021