Workforce – maximising the potential of new PCN roles Talking points and key questions on the potential of new roles under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS). 1 December 2020
Implementation of Enhanced Health for Care Homes Talking points and key questions on how PCNs can implement Enhanced Health for Care Homes (EHCH). 1 December 2020
‘Can’t do it all’ – why PCNs need great management Talking points and key questions on management within primary care networks. 1 December 2020
Communities as an asset Talking points and key questions on engaging with communities. 1 December 2020
Who is your next PCN clinical director? Catch up on the talking points at this PCN Network virtual conference session. 1 December 2020
Best practice and innovation during COVID-19 A snapshot of emerging insights behind the rapid innovation across health and care during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. 20 November 2020
An introduction to population health management This primer provides an introduction to population health management for primary care networks (PCNs) 5 November 2020
Health Leaders Panel A digest of the findings from the inaugural survey of the Health Leaders Panel. 5 November 2020
Ensuring employment support for people with mental health problems How systems and their partners can ensure appropriate employment support for people with mental health problems. 16 October 2020