Making sense of integrated care systems: joint webinar series 2021 for local system leaders

The success of Integrated Care Systems will depend on local leaders across health, local government and the community collaborating in new ways to improve outcomes for their local populations where it makes sense to do so.
The Local Government Association, NHS Providers, NHS Clinical Commissioners and NHS Confederation are collaborating on a series of Tuesday lunchtime webinars for chairs, non-executive directors, councillors, local government officers and lay members.
The webinars will explore the top issues facing leaders. Each webinar will include expert introductions to the theme alongside local leaders sharing their practical experiences and learning, to support local leaders to think through what it will take to make ICSs succeed.
The first webinar in this series explored the opportunities and tensions inherent in this transformational agenda, including how to balance whole-scale change at pace with a continued focus on improving outcomes for communities.
The autumn seminars will explore further the role and influence of local leaders, the ICS design Framework, governance, accountabilities and what good looks like and engaging and co-producing with communities. Further details to follow. The September dates for your diaries:
These webinars are presented as part of the System Transformation Peer Support Programme which is jointly delivered by the Local Government Association, NHS Providers, NHS Clinical Commissioners, NHS Confederation and the ICS Network.
This support programme offers peer reviews, workshops, webinars and bespoke support to support local leaders develop their partnerships including ICSs and place based partnerships.
For more information, go to For an informal discussion contact Rebecca Gale, Programme Manager at