About Northern Ireland Confederation for Health and Social Care
Influencing policy health and care policy and supporting leaders across Northern Ireland.
We exist to:
- influence policy and other areas of interest (including providing an “employers’ voice”) on behalf of members;
- support and brief members;
- inform and influence the media and politicians about key issues in the HSC;
- connect members with other stakeholders and with the wider NHS Confederation.
NICON is led by its Director, Heather Moorhead. The management of its overall strategy and activities is in the hands of the Northern Ireland Confederation Management Committee. This group comprises HSC Chairs, Chief Executives and Directors, representing HSC Trusts, regional HSC bodies and smaller, specialist HSC organisations.
The Management Committee also has responsibility for appointing from within its membership: the Northern Ireland Confederation Chair and Vice Chair; the Northern Ireland Trustee of the NHS Confederation Charity; and the Chair and Vice Chair of the HSC Chairs' Forum.