Northern Ireland Associate Membership Scheme

Helping the wider health and social care community in Northern Ireland build collaborative working relationships with health and care services.
An NHS sign on the side of a building.

The NICON Associate Membership Scheme is designed to help the wider health and social care community engage and build collaborative working relationships with HSC organisations in Northern Ireland.

Associate membership of NICON is open to organisations working in the health and social care space in NI, whether they are based within the public, voluntary, or commercial sector. NICON provides a unique forum in which colleagues from across these sectors can meet and learn together. 

Associate member benefits

The key benefits of associate membership include:

  • Subscription to our weekly newsletter, which covers: 
    • News and events from NICON and the wider NHS Confederation. 
    • Media updates relevant to health and social care in Northern Ireland (including departmental press releases).
    • Political monitoring (including signposting to consultations and updates on NI Assembly & Executive proceedings).
    • Updates from our Members and Associate Members (submissions welcome).
  • Free attendance at NICON seminars and webinars (usually 6-10 per year considering topical issues) and a variety of NHS Confederation member events
  • Priority involvement in the NICON annual conference and reduced attendance rates.
  • Opportunities to sponsor NHS Confederation activities or work in partnership on key events.
  • Access to our website, which includes all NHS Confederation publications
  • Access to support and information from NICON colleagues, including signposting to useful connections within the HSC system, other regional networks, and the wider NHS Confederation.
  • Opportunities to input into NICON’s work and share your views with us.

To request associate membership of the Northern Ireland Confederation, please download a copy of our associate membership application form (linked below) and return to Robyn Scott.