Consultation response

Welsh Government's consultation on the draft priorities for culture in Wales: Welsh NHS Confederation response

The WNHSC response to the Welsh Government's consultation on the draft Priorities for Culture in Wales 2024 to 2030.

5 September 2024

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Key points

  • The draft priorities encourage the culture sector to work with health and social care services to explore ways culture can be used to improve wellbeing. However, our members suggest the priorities could have a greater focus on how we develop partnerships between the NHS and cultural organisations to deliver holistic care, support mental health, and reduce loneliness.

  • Our members highlighted the importance of including healthcare within the definition of culture. The NHS workforce is made up of many nationalities, religions, and backgrounds from across the world. Therefore, there is real value in expanding this definition of culture to include reference to healthcare environments to enable diverse communities to celebrate the NHS/health boards.

  • Ultimately, Wales is one of the leading countries in the world for arts, health and well-being work. The Welsh NHS Confederation has an MOU with the Arts Council of Wales, there is a Senedd Cross Party Group on Arts and Health, and there is extensive evidence around the impact that arts and culture can have on community health and well-being on the Wales Arts Health & Wellbeing Network (WAHWN) website.

  • As the body representing NHS leaders in Wales, we continue to be committed to raising  awareness of the significant benefits the arts and being creative can have on people's physical and mental health and wellbeing and look forward to working with the Arts Council of Wales, WAHWN, Arts and Health Coordinators, artists, and key partners in the future.