
What makes a top clinical commissioning leader?

This report considers what makes a top clinical commissioning leader.

10 May 2016

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Through a series of interviews with both clinical and managerial CCG leaders, this report from NHSCC and Hunter Healthcare identifies what makes a top clinical commissioning leader. It also sets out how current leaders can be supported, and a future generation inspired and encouraged to take up a role in commissioning.

Qualities that make a top clinical commissioning leader include resilience, openness, emotional intelligence and being good communicators, with excellent listening skills and the ability to instil clarity of purpose.

Clarity about the future of the commissioning system, a commitment to developing GP leadership, and improved leadership programmes, are identified as critical to supporting current and prospective clinical commissioning leaders.

The report highlights how both clinical and managerial leaders are integral to the success of a CCG, bringing different strengths to the organisation and its ability to deliver more for patients.