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Showing 73 - 84 of 92 results

Making strategic commissioning work

Our briefing, making strategic commissioning work, aims to support the evolution of a more strategic commissioning function.

14 December 2017

Steering towards strategic commissioning

This publication sets out CCGs’ vision for the future and what they need to get there at pace so they can deliver more for patients.

25 September 2017

NICE draft guideline on macular degeneration

NICE should withdraw recommendation that Bevacizumab should not be prescribed because it is cheaper or more cost effective than a licensed alternative

24 August 2017

Supporting strategic commissioning

This report shows how collaboration between CCGs and AHSNs can bring positive benefits to local patients and populations.

25 May 2017

The future of commissioning

This paper reaffirms the role and position of local clinical commissioning into the future.

15 October 2016

Stepping up to the place

This joint report describe what a fully integrated, transformed system should look like based on what the evidence tells us.

15 June 2016