Pensions tax impacts on the NHS: a solution for 2019/20 Letter from Andrew Goodall to professional bodies regarding pension tax arrangements in 2019/20 19 December 2019
Pensions tax FAQs for employees The information set out in this document is intended to provide a concise summary of the new NHS Annual Allowance Policy 2019/20. 19 December 2019
Pensions tax FAQs for employers This document is intended to provide a concise summary of the new NHS Annual Allowance Policy 2019/20. 19 December 2019
Time to deliver Reflections on the pledges made in the Conservative Party manifesto and how NHS Confederation members believe they should be developed. 18 December 2019
Economic theories relevant to public service provision - part two Five challenges facing mental health care and then employs a range of economic theories to explain each problem and their solutions. 4 December 2019
Town Deals and the Towns Fund A briefing explaining the government's Towns Fund Prospectus. 21 November 2019
Implementing a healthier Wales 2019 The Welsh NHS Confederation takes a look at how NHS organisations in Wales are implementing the long-term plan. 21 November 2019
How should the incoming government help the NHS? This infographic accompanies our Fit for the Future report based on member views on priorities for the next government. 19 November 2019
General election campaign pack for members and supporters A campaign pack for leaders across the health and social care sectors to lobby parliamentary candidates ahead of the general election on 12 December. 15 November 2019
The role of the independent sector in the NHS: Busting the myths This infographic takes a look at the independent sector and dispels four myths on its role in the NHS. 15 November 2019
General election campaign pack for parliamentary candidates Health for Care campaign pack for parliamentary candidates ahead of the general election on 12 December 2019. 15 November 2019
#FixSocialCare pledge Printable pledge to use in photos as part of the #FixSocialCare campaign 14 November 2019