The care home clinical lead This document provides guidance on the role of the clinical lead for the Enhanced Health in Care Homes service set out in the network contract DES. 23 September 2020
Valuing, engaging and delivering: A health and care system for future generations The Welsh NHS Confederation's calls for the 2021 Welsh Parliament / Senedd Cymru election (full version). 22 September 2020
Gwerthfawrogi, Ymgysylltu a Chyflawni: Cynnal system iechyd a gofal ar gyfer cenedlaethau’r dyfodol Galwadau Conffederasiwn GIG Cymru ar gyfer Etholiadau’r Senedd 2021. 22 September 2020
Amendments to the network contract DES 2020/21 A summary of amendments to the primary care network contract directed enhanced service for 2020/21. 22 September 2020
Action for equality: the time is now Key information from the Health & Care Women Leaders Network report Action for equality: The time is now. 21 September 2020
Health as the new wealth Gain a deeper understanding of the links between health and economic growth. 21 September 2020
Top tips on delivering the early diagnosis of cancer PCN specification Dr Neil Smith shares top tips on how to conduct event analysis of cancer cases. 17 September 2020
Delivering the early diagnosis of cancer PCN specification This joint briefing provides an overview of the early diagnosis of cancer PCN specification and how it fits with the QOF quality improvement domain. 17 September 2020
Delivering early cancer diagnosis PCN specification: Top tips In this video, aimed at primary care networks, Cancer Research UK GPs share ten top tips on the early diagnosis of cancer. 15 September 2020
Creating the workforce of the future By better embedding colleges into NHS workforce development, we can help ensure a sustainable, agile and innovative future health and care workforce. 11 September 2020
Action for equality This report from the Health and Care Women Leaders Network explores the diversity of NHS and arm's-length body boards across England. 9 September 2020
On call Work has been ongoing to ensure NHS organisations have on-call payment arrangements consistent with principles of “equal pay for work" of equal value. 8 September 2020