Looking forward Mental health providers and commissioners convene to consider what the future demand is likely to be for mental health services. 5 August 2020
The calm before the storm How PCNs and mental health service providers can work together to prepare for the expected surge in demand for mental health services. 4 August 2020
The impact of COVID-19 on community health services Gain an understanding of the NHS community sector’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 4 August 2020
How PCNs can help mental health in the aftermath of COVID-19 Dr Sian Stanley reflects on how GPs can work with people and their mental health in the aftermath of COVID-19. 4 August 2020
Breaking chains of COVID-19 transmission This briefing summarises the business plan for the NHS Test and Trace programme. 3 August 2020
Third phase of the NHS response to COVID-19 Headline points from guidance on the third phase of the NHS response to COVID-19. 3 August 2020
The NHS after COVID-19 Provider trust chief executives discuss the changes they have made to respond to COVID-19. 29 July 2020
Tendering of NHS community services during COVID-19 Vital community health services risk being tangled in bureaucratic contracts and face serious cuts unless the government steps in, warns network. 29 July 2020
Responding to LGBTQ inequalities during COVID-19 and beyond Exploring inequalities experienced by LGBTQ+ people, and in particular those experiences of LGBTQ+ healthcare staff, during the COVID-19 pandemic. 28 July 2020
National actions to help local leaders improve staff experience Employers' feedback on what is needed nationally to support employers with workforce challenges. 28 July 2020
Benefits and challenges of the network DES The benefits of the network contract Direct Enhanced Service (DES) in primary care are highlighted in this visual summary. 27 July 2020
Delivering mental health services digitally How two trusts built on their existing provision of remote one-to-one services and expanded them into remote services for groups during COVID-19. 23 July 2020