Health for Care coalition calls on PM to 'fix social care' Coalition urges PM to set timetable for social care reform to address the immediate crisis and place the sector on a sustainable footing. 19 August 2020
Social care: time to grasp the nettle This report explores the opportunities and challenges ahead for health and social care and the four critical factors needed to reset social care. 19 August 2020
Mental health services and COVID-19 This report from the NHS Reset campaign considers what mental health services need to prepare for the expected surge in demand. 12 August 2020
The rapidly changing NHS The experiences of NHS professional communicators during the coronavirus pandemic. 12 August 2020
LGBTQ+ Leaders Network survey on the NHS People Plan Reflections on the language and content of the NHS People Plan. 10 August 2020
Healthcare rights for patients The Brexit Health Alliance outlines the risks to UK and EU citizens' healthcare rights if Brexit negotiators don’t agree a deal by 31 December 2020. 7 August 2020
Healthcare rights for patients after Brexit This infographic highlights example scenarios in which people may have to pay privately for healthcare after Brexit. 7 August 2020
Looking forward Mental health providers and commissioners convene to consider what the future demand is likely to be for mental health services. 5 August 2020
Approaching the end of the Brexit transition A review of the most recent government guidance on the end of the Brexit transition and provides a checklist for NHS organisations as they prepare. 5 August 2020
The calm before the storm How PCNs and mental health service providers can work together to prepare for the expected surge in demand for mental health services. 4 August 2020
The impact of COVID-19 on community health services Gain an understanding of the NHS community sector’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 4 August 2020
How PCNs can help mental health in the aftermath of COVID-19 Dr Sian Stanley reflects on how GPs can work with people and their mental health in the aftermath of COVID-19. 4 August 2020