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Showing 1129 - 1140 of 1655 results

Valuing, engaging and delivering

The Welsh NHS Confederation's calls for the 2021 Welsh Parliament / Senedd Cymru election (summary version).

24 September 2020

Gwerthfawrogi, Ymgysylltu a Chyflawni

Cyn etholiadau’r Senedd yn 2021, rydym wedi gofyn am farn ein haelodau ac wedi nodi eu gweledigaeth ar gyfer y system iechyd a gofal yng Nghymru.

24 September 2020

The care home clinical lead

This document provides guidance on the role of the clinical lead for the Enhanced Health in Care Homes service set out in the network contract DES.

23 September 2020

Action for equality: the time is now

Key information from the Health & Care Women Leaders Network report Action for equality: The time is now.

21 September 2020

Health as the new wealth

Gain a deeper understanding of the links between health and economic growth.

21 September 2020