Integrated care: service proximity is the aim, cultural change is the gain
A look at the benefits of system working.
Showing 4011 - 4020 of 4510 results
A look at the benefits of system working.
9 March 2020
Guiding integrated care system (ICS) leaders on how they can shape their local labour market to best determine and develop the future workforce.
5 March 2020
An economic evaluation of six pilot sites focused on children and young people who are being treated for their mental health out of area.
5 March 2020
What could international approaches to women leadership networks teach the NHS?
5 March 2020
How the concept of ‘place’ has made an impact in Mid-Nottinghamshire.
5 March 2020
Ahead of the Senedd elections in 2021, the Welsh NHS Confederation describes members’ views and sets out their future vision for healthcare in Wales.
3 March 2020
Fel llais cydnabyddedig arweinyddiaeth y GIG yng Nghymru, rydym yn hyrwyddo’r system iechyd a gofal trwy gryfder ein haelodau gyda’i gilydd
3 March 2020
Examining what health services can do to address health inequalities.
2 March 2020
How procurement can help you get the best value for money and the best outcomes for patients.
2 March 2020
NHS Wales supports employees who are members of or wish to join the Volunteer Reserve Forces.
1 March 2020