NHS Confederation responds to NHS England's winter plan
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, responds to NHS England's winter plan
Showing 1101 - 1110 of 4540 results
Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, responds to NHS England's winter plan
27 July 2023
Royal Preston aims to improve the accuracy of peripheral lung cancer diagnoses using the state-of-the-art LungVision bronchoscopic navigation system.
27 July 2023
Dr Layla McCay responds to the announcement by the Home Office of the National Partnership Agreement
26 July 2023
A network for chairs and leads of LGBTQ+ networks hosted by the Health and Care LGBTQ+ Network.
26 July 2023
Management-trained clinicians are best placed to deliver the effective leadership needed to improve patient outcomes.
25 July 2023
A recent report showed mental health being in a better place by 2032. For this be a reality, mental health services must be a government priority.
25 July 2023
Matthew Taylor responds to data showing the impact of industrial action by consultants, ahead of walkouts from radiographers.
24 July 2023
Dr Layla McCay responds to the Health Foundation report showing that 2.5m more people in England will be living with major illness by 2040.
24 July 2023
Sean Duggan, chief executive of the NHS Confederation's mental health network responds to the PAC's report
21 July 2023
Welsh NHS Confederation response to the Health Committee's consultation as part of its post-legislative scrutiny of the Nurse Staffing Levels Act.
21 July 2023