Supporting members through the COVID-19 pandemic, the greatest challenge the health service has faced in its history.
A patient in a mask receives the COVID-19 vaccine.

We are actively engaging with developments, representing members' views and focusing our efforts on where they will be greatest use during the pandemic.

We are also working with the COVID-19 inquiry team to ensure all experiences from within our complex health and social care landscape are meaningfully represented in the inquiry.

  • We are working with the inquiry team to ensure all experiences from within our complex health and social care landscape are meaningfully represented in the inquiry – not only acute and care home settings which were mentioned in the draft terms of reference, but those working hard to deliver primary, community, mental health and ambulance services.

    We are continuing to support and advocate for our members throughout the inquiry process by offering information and briefings, providing a narrative account of key developments and by intervening and providing public comment where necessary. We will also support the timely implementation of recommendations.

    If you have any questions, or would like to discuss the inquiry process, please contact