The ten-year health plan

Working on members' behalf to support development of the government's ten-year health plan for England.
The Houses of Parliament viewed from across the River Thames.

Shortly after the election the new government announced its intention to develop a ten-year health plan. Due to be published in spring 2025, the plan will focus on delivering three big shifts in healthcare:

  • hospital to community
  • analogue to digital
  • sickness to prevention.

The plan is being developed through a public engagement exercise, which was launched in October 2024 via the Change NHS platform. By submitting ideas to the portal and taking part in deliberative events, NHS staff and experts have the opportunity to share their experiences, views and ideas for reforming the health and care system.

The Department of Health and Social Care is currently consulting on key priorities for change. You can find the survey here. It closes at 5pm on Monday 14 April.  

Working on members' behalf

We are working closely with colleagues in the Department for Health and Social Care and NHS England to support the development of the plan. Our aim is to ensure the plan is realistic, accurately reflects our members' respective roles in delivering change and represents the changes needed to achieve an integrated model of care. 

We are doing this through our regular member engagements, private meetings with senior officials leading the development of the plan and through the ten-year health plan working groups, which we and many of our members have been asked to take part in.

We submitted a response to the ChangeUK online portal and are focusing on further developing our policy asks.

If you are an NHS Confederation member and would like to be involved in one of our sessions on the plan, please sign up online.

  • The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has established 11 working groups to support the development of the plan:

    • Four groups are considering the future vision for the NHS:
      • I can stay healthy and manage my health in a way that works for me
      • I can access the high-quality and effective care I need, when and where I need it
      • My care is integrated around my needs and I am listened to
      • I am treated in a fair and inclusive way, irrespective of who I am
    • Seven groups are considering areas that will need to change to enable the vision to become a reality:
      • people
      • finance and contracting
      • physical infrastructure
      • data and technology
      • research, life sciences and innovation
      • accountability and oversight
      • mobilising change.

    Each group has two co-chairs: one from either the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) or NHS England, and one external to these organisations. Find out more about the working groups on the Gov.UK website.

  • There are several ways to engage via the Change NHS portal. The portal includes a survey for anyone living in England aged over 16, as well as more detailed engagement activities for both the public and patients and the health and care workforce.

    Additionally, health and care organisations were encouraged to use the Workshop in a Box resource to run their own engagement sessions. This was an opportunity for groups to have detailed conversations and feed their insights into the development of the plan. 

    The Department of Health and Social Care is currently consulting on key priorities for change. You can find the survey here. It closes at 5pm on Monday 14 April.  

    If you are an NHS Confederation member and would like to be involved in one of our sessions on the ten-year health plan, please sign up online.