
Watch: Advancing race equality by building a culture of accountability

Find out how to build a culture of accountability which is essential to address racism and advance racial equity.

General information

5 February 2024 13:00 - 14:30 GMT
Open to all


The NHS has one of the most ethnically diverse workforces in the public sector. Despite this, the experience of many colleagues working across the country is not equal to that of their white counterparts. 

Cultural change is complex, multi-faceted and takes time. The session is designed to help develop awareness that it is the responsibility of all leaders to create the environment that fosters inclusion and share evidence-based practice on how this is being done in other organisations. 

This webinar covered: 

  • how to support leaders to understand how they can embed inclusive leadership behaviours and what personal accountability looks like, with a particular focus on racial equality at a system, place and neighbourhood level.  
  • ideas and insights for exploration, with a view to applying within systems.         
  • Taking a whole systems approach to addressing race inequalities is important on multiple levels. As well as the negative impact on people evidence shows that fair treatment of staff is linked to a better experience of care for patients. With urgent action needed to tackle the workforce crisis improving performance on race equality will also play an important role in the NHS becoming a great place to work.

  • This webinar was held in partnership with NHS Providers and the Local Government Association (LGA) as part of the Leading Integration Peer Support Programme (LIPS). The partnership is funded by NHS England and delivers a range of free, bespoke support for local health and care systems. 

    Running alongside this we host a series of dissemination events reflecting learning from our programme and the wider context. We know from feedback from our successful series of events in 2022 that senior leaders are keen to share learning and ideas to realise the potential of Integrated Care Systems (ICS).

Watch the webinar recording