
Access slides: Health Beyond the Hospital

How can we best deliver out of hospital care? This event brought together those focused on keeping people well at home and in the community.

General information

27 September 2023 08:00 - 17:15 GMT
Open to all
Event location
London, WC1H 9JP

On Wednesday 27 September, our Health Beyond the Hospital conference brought together organisations working to treat people closer to home. We focused on three key themes: people with health conditions (older people; people with multiple and complex conditions; and children and young people); data and digital; and innovation.

The day presented a key opportunity for members and non-members to network with peers, to share knowledge and experience, as well as listen to experts from across healthcare. 

  • 8-9am - Courtyard Suite - Unlocking whole system value in shifting care beyond the hospital

    With hospital and clinic treatments requiring more resources than treatments delivered in the home, finding new, appropriate, effective care pathways for patients is a longer-term goal, and one which has the potential to reduce the costs of providing care. But what is rarely assessed is the savings and the benefits to the whole ecosystem, which are broader than finance including social value, equity of access, and quality of life improvements. In order to do this, organisations will need to work across the whole patient pathway to create impactful interventions that change the traditional cycle of treatment.

    This session will discuss: 

    • how we should measure value in addition to the numbers i.e. access, convenience, satisfaction, and quality of life improvements for patients
    • how these can be quantified and embedded within existing, and improved processes
    • how to apportion that value to incentivise behaviours across the ecosystem.
    • examples of whole system success and the lessons learned in applying these more widely.

    Speakers: Hilary Thomas, Partner in Healthcare and Life Sciences, PA Consulting; Dr John Unsworth OBE, Director of Nursing; Amanda Grantham, PA Healthcare Expert, PA Consulting.

    Sponsored by PA Consulting

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    9:20-9:30am - Great Hall - Welcome

    Dr Layla McCay, Director of Policy, NHS Confederation

    9:30-10:30am - Great Hall - A strengths-based approach to community transformation in Derbyshire

    Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust will share its approach to community transformation sharing their Team Up approach and how it is supporting people to access the care they deserve in their own homes.

    Speaker: Ian Lawrence, Clinical Director, Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust

    10:30-10:50am - Great Hall - James Sanderson, Director of Community Health and Personalised Care, NHS England


    10:50am-11:15am- Break and networking

    Snow and Paget rooms

    11:15am-12:00pm - Great Hall - Helen Whately MP, Minister of State for Social Care


    12:00-12:55pm -  Breakout sessions

    Ageing: supporting people to live well for longer

    Courtyard Suite

    How well do we understand what ageing looks like? Can we see the tipping points where self-managing with frailty could become more challenging? How might we offer our support differently to enable older people, rather than care for them? Join Professor Adam Gordon, President of the British Geriatric Society, with front line practitioners from health, care and voluntary sectors to explore how we can reimagine demand and better support older people. 

    Speakers:  Professor Adam Gordon, President, British Geriatric Society (Chair); Annette Bradley, Chief Executive, MA Training; Jo Creed, trainer, coach and facilitator; Sophie Green, Neighbourhoods Project Manager, City and Hackney; Ruthe Isden, Head of Health Influencing, Age UK.

    How can we achieve full integration when delivering virtual wards?

    Great Hall

    This session will explore making virtual wards a success through collaboration and partnership working. We will hear from Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust who will share their experience of delivering virtual wards and their journey to full integration. To include a discussion after the case study centred around ‘how can we achieve full integration when delivering virtual wards’. 

    Speaker: John Rochford, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust; Nicola Lorena, Transformation Manager - Virtual Wards, Central London Healthcare NHS Trust; Erin Gallagher, Nurse Consultant, Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust.

    Healthy homes and neighbourhoods: lessons from Australia

    Harvey Suite

    The Health Homes and Neighbourhoods initiative was developed by the Sydney Local Health District to counter the inter-generational cycles of deprivation and inequality that result in poor health outcomes for some of the cities most deprived residents. The initiative seeks to address this through the integration of health and care services.  

    In this session, the HHAN Initiative Clinical Director Professor John Eastwood will discuss their approach and results, while Dr Niamh Lennox-Chhugni, chief executive of the International Foundation for Integrated Care will reflect on how similar models are developing in other health systems and what the themes are.  

    Speakers: Professor John Eastwood, Clinical Director, HHAN Initiative; Dr Niamh Lennox-Chhugni, Chief Executive, International Foundation for Integrated Care; James Maddocks, Senior International Policy and Programme Officer, NHS Confederation (chair).

    Supporting high intensity users

    Bevan Suite

    A small proportion of people are high intensity users of healthcare services. South Western Ambulance Service will share the work they are doing to support vulnerable patients and the establishment of their frequent caller management system to better understand and identify their most vulnerable patients. 

    Speaker: Jonathan Hammond-Williams, Complex Care Lead, South Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust

    12:55-1.45pm - Lunch

    Snow and Paget rooms


    1:45pm-2:35pm Breakout sessions

    30% of the population – best practice in delivering healthcare for children and young people

    Courtyard Suite

    This session will focus on examples of best practice in providing healthcare for children and young people. Chaired by Haris Sultan and Aishah Farooq, board members of the Children and Young People Transformation Board at NHS England. The session will include case studies from across the country sharing the work they have done to deliver healthcare for children and young people.   

    Speakers: Haris Sultan and Aishah Farooq, board members, Children and Young People's Transformation Board, NHS England; Dr Tayo Kufeji, GP Partner, Newport Pagnell Medical Centre and Clinical Director, The Bridge PCN; Dani Jones, Chief Strategy and Partnerships Officer, Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust and Exec Lead for "Beyond" - Cheshire and Merseyside CYP Transformation Programme; Dr Liz Crabtree, Programme Director, "Beyond" - Cheshire and Merseyside CYP Transformation Programme; Peter Day, Professor and Consultant in Paediatric Densistry, University of Leeds.

    Making the last 1,000 days matter

    Bevan Suite

    For the majority of people, they use will use most health and care resources in their last 1,000 days, which is also time when they are most likely to be admitted to hospital for the least benefit. Yet systematically identifying people in or approaching this stage of life is still a challenge. In this session we will explore what we can do across the system to support those entering this stage of life and how we can best identify and care for them. 

    Speakers: Caroline Abrahams, Charity Director, Age UK (Chair); Michael Crowther, Chief Executive, The Kirkwood Hospice, West Yorkshire; Professor Katherine Sleeman, Laing Galazka Chair in Palliative Care, Honorary Consultant in Palliative Medicine, King's College London; Brian Dolan, Director, Health Service 360.

    Unlocking care closer to home; how voluntary sector partnerships improve patient engagement, health and wellbeing beyond the hospital 

    Harvey Suite

    Successful community care requires health and care providers to break down barriers, ensure equity of access and offer holistic support to those facing the greatest health inequalities. It is often the “non-clinical” needs which prevent people  engaging in their care and recovery. As we continue the move to delivering health beyond the hospital, reducing these barriers is key to achieving better outcomes for people. The voluntary and community sector, working in close partnership with NHS providers, can support the wider needs that impact people's health and wellbeing. This session will explore how we address these needs collaboratively, improving access to health and care and reducing pressure on already stretched clinicians. We'll spotlight partnerships focussed on increasing access, improving outcomes and supporting people to engage in their health and wellbeing, highlighting the difference this makes to the wider health and care system, but most importantly, to people's lives.

    Speakers: Victoria Corbishley, Director - Health and Local Crisis Response, UK Operations, British Red Cross; Peter Almond, Cheshire and Merseyside Digital Programme Manager, Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust; Lucy De Las Casas, Director of Development, Voluntary Norfolk; Chloe Averil, Innovation Manager, British Red Cross

    Logo for the British Red Cross

    2:35-3pm - Mid-afternoon break

    Snow and Paget rooms

    3-4pm - Great Hall - Turning aspiration into reality: investing in out of hospital care 

    A transformation is needed in health and care to shift the focus to manage people's health needs at home and in the community and to focus more on prevention and education. Out of hopsital care has huge potential and offers an opportunity for us change not only how we deliver care but also the way that the public engages with the health sector. This session will explore how we can turn the aspiration of out of hospital care into a reality and shift investment upstream. The panel will discuss the transformation needed to make that shift, the opportunities and the barriers to making that change. 

    Speakers: Daniel Elkeles, Chief Executive, London Ambulance Service NHS Trust; Karen Jackson, Chief Executive, Locala; Miriam Deakin, Director of Policy and Strategy, NHS Providers; James Sanderson, Director of Community Health and Personalised Care, NHS England; Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, NHS Confederation (Chair)

    4-4:15pm - Great Hall - Close

    Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, NHS Confederation

    4.15– 5.15pm -  Drinks reception

    Snow and Paget rooms

    We invite all conference attendees to join us for a drinks reception sponsored by NAPC.

    National Association of Primary Care logo

    Professor Adam Gordon

    Headshot of Adam Gordon

    Adam Gordon is professor of the care of older People at the University of Nottingham and a consultant geriatrician at the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton. He is the current President of British Geriatric Society, serving from November 2022 to November 2024.

    His clinical work focuses on older people admitted as emergencies to acute hospital. He also has an interest in how older people with frailty are supported through surgery and has helped to establish surgical liaison services in both Derby and Nottingham.

    Adam's research interests are predominantly in how healthcare is delivered in care homes. Some of his work in this area has helped shape national policy to enable access for care home residents to the complex, multidisciplinary care which they need. He led the authorship of the BGS guidance on managing COVID-19 in care homes and more recently helped collate the Ambitions for Change document that sets out the Society’s vision for healthcare in care homes in the future. He has recently begun to work in the field of sarcopenia as part of the Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research at the University of Nottingham. He maintains an active educational portfolio and played a key role in developing the UK and European recommended undergraduate curricula in geriatric medicine.

    Adam is an National Institute of Health Research senior investigator. He is a firm believer in bringing clinicians from the full range of health and social care disciplines into research, and ensuring that care professionals and patients can access the results of research to improve their care experience.

    Aishah Farooq

    Headshot of Aishah Farooq

    Aishah’s passion for driving change and improvement in healthcare stems from her own personal experiences with the health service. Locally, she’s influenced change for Children and Young People’s health as a young governor on University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trusts’ Board. She currently sits as an associate non-executive member on Bristol, North Somerset, and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board, with a focus on children and young people and health inequalities. 

    Aishah has used her lived experience to contribute, as a lay member, on the NICE guideline for Babies, Children and Young People's Experiences of Healthcare. She currently sits on the NHS Assembly to provide a voice for the experiences of young people and is a member of the Children and Young People's Transformation Board at NHS England.  

    Amanda Grantham

    Headshot of Amanda Grantham

    Amanda is a healthcare expert at PA Consulting.

    Annette Bradley

    Headshot of Annette Bradley

    Annette Bradley has been working as a nurse and senior lecturer within the NHS and in higher education for 42 years. Now a practising advanced nurse practitioner in primary care she is also an educational director in her own established healthcare training company - M A Training Enterprise Ltd) and provides excellent clinical courses to healthcare staff nationally. She has published many articles and a book "Practice Nursing- the fulcrum of primary care"  (Mark Allen Publishing). mShe has gone on to combine the skills of being an NMC registered tutor, advanced nurse practitioner and senior lecturer, using the principles of the Aligned Care Programme (APC) within her teaching and consultations. She is passionate about the ACP on which she is a partner with Jo Creed. It helps her to share with her NHS and Allied professional colleagues the means to make their consultations more effective, to improve clinical outcomes and enable the patient to feel they are receiving a patient-centred service

    Brian Dolan

    Brian Dolan is a dual qualified nurse whose clinical background is in emergency care and mental health. He has also worked in academic general practice and as an NHS executive director. He is the author/editor of seven books on emergency care, education and leadership. He is the originator of the global social movements #Last1000Days, to value patients’ time, and #EndPJparalysis, to encourage patients to get up, dressed and moving to reduce their risk of deconditioning while in hospital ( Brian was voted one of the 20 most influential people in the 70-year history of the UK’s National Health Service in 2018 and in the Queen’s 2019 New Year’s Honours List and was awarded an OBE in the ‘For Services to Nursing and Emergency Care’. Follow Brian on Twitter @Brianwdolan

    Caroline Abrahams CBE

    Headshot of Caroline Abrahams

    Caroline Abrahams is charity director at Age UK, where she has worked for the last decade. She manages the external facing functions at Age UK, including policy, public affairs and campaigns, and is Age UK's lead media spokesperson. Previously Caroline worked in central government and opposition, the Local Government Association and the children's charity, Action for Children. She was awarded a CBE for services to older people and to the voluntary sector in 2021.

    Chloe Averill

    Headshot of Chloe Averill

    I’m Chloe Averill and I am an innovation manager in the British Red Cross Innovation Hub. The purpose of the BRC Innovation Hub is to help our services creatively solve problems, embed user-centred ways of working, test ideas and concepts and develop new products and services that help meet the needs of our service users.

    Dani Jones

    Dani joined Alder Hey in October 2017 and is executive lead for the Trust’s strategic plan and its range of health and care system partnerships. Dani specialises in development of complex partnerships to improve patient care across systems; examples include her executive leadership of the Cheshire and Merseyside Children and Young People’s ‘Beyond’ Programme which is driving improvements to outcomes for children across the local integrated care system, and of the North West paediatric partnership and associated Operational Delivery Networks. Dani is experienced in building systems and partnerships to create better outcomes for patients; across primary and community care, mental health, acute trusts, local authorities and voluntary sector groups. Dani has nearly 20 years’ experience working in the majority of these different settings. Dani began her NHS life in technology and innovation, following a BA Hons Economics and an MSc in Health Care Ethics at the University of Liverpool. She achieved her Executive Leadership in Healthcare award through the ‘Nye Bevan’ programme in 2017.

    Daniel Elkeles

    Headshot of Daniel Elkeles

    Daniel Elkeles joined the London Ambulance Service (LAS) as Chief Executive in August 2021. LAS is the world’s busiest ambulance service. Daniel has more than 25 years’ experience in the NHS and healthcare, and was previously Chief Executive of Epsom and St Helier Hospitals NHS Trust for nearly seven years. Prior to this, he was Accountable Officer for five of the clinical commissioning groups in North West London.

    Erin Gallagher

    Erin is a nurse consultant for Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust, and is the clinical lead for the West Hertfordshire Frailty Hospital at Home service. Erin was key to the scoping, development of the frailty Hospital at Home service, championing the role of a community provider and nurse consultant led approach. Prior to this role, Erin was the clinical lead for Urgent Community response team in West Hertfordshire.

    Haris Sultan

    Haris’ work in health and social care started within West Yorkshire as co-founder of the Youth Board at Leeds Community Healthcare Trust. Locally he has worked as youth representative on Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body leading on the Leeds Youth Health and Social Care Charter. He also sits on the Board of Trustees of Leeds Hospitals Charity and is a member of the Partnership’s People’s Board. Nationally, Haris is founder and chair of the National Network of Youth Forums, working with over 60 NHS Trusts across England. He is also board member of the Children and Young People Transformation Programme at NHS England. He has led national initiatives looking into the teaching of health inequalities resulting in changes to the undergraduate curriculum. He has also worked with the Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England on young people’s vaccines throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Dr Hilary Thomas

    Headshot of Hilary Thomas

    Hilary is a senior clinician with expertise in oncology and medical management – having been an acute trust medical director and professor of oncology at the University of Surrey. She has worked globally with payors, providers, insurers, and the life sciences industry developing approaches to care which enhance patient experience, quality and outcomes.

    As chief medical advisor in her last two roles, Hilary has worked globally across a broad range of therapeutic areas, enabling clients and clinicians to better understand patient experience and how it might be improved, enhancing outcomes and access to innovative medicines. In Hilary’s recent experience at PA, she chaired a consortium of ten organisations delivering a national programme across the NHS enabling Population Health Management at a ‘Place’ level in 41 of the 42 ICSs. She works with stakeholders across social care, local government, voluntary sector and health to improve outcomes and reduce inequalities.

    Hilary also works with life sciences organisations to understand the regulatory environment for remote patient monitoring in oncology clinical trials, and to support the deployment of diagnostics. Hilary has also been vice chair of Breakthrough Breast Cancer and co-led the merger to create Breast Cancer Now and Imperial Healthcare Charity in the UK, and was an elected member of the General Medical Council for the last 9 years.

    Dr Ian Lawrence

    Headshot of Ian Lawrence

    Ian Lawrence is the Chief Clinical Information Officer and Clinical Director for Integration at Derbyshire Community Health Services Foundation Trust (DCHS). He is also the SRO for Team up Derbyshire which is a wide ranging ‘bottom up’ programme that uses strengths-based approaches to integrate neighbourhood teams across General Practice Community Health and Adult Social Care. Ian also works as a deputy lead for the Primary Care Development arm of the Royal College of General Practitioners. Ian is GP by background but left direct clinical practice in 2019, he has been a GP partner in rural North Wales and in Derbyshire. He led the integration of three GP practices into DCHS leadership. Has was a CCG Governing Body member from 2011 to 2015 and retains a strong system leadership role with a particular focus on community service integration. He is passionate about the importance of jobs in health and care being enjoyable – and what it takes to make them enjoyable. He volunteers every summer with Festival Medical Services, a charity who provide voluntary medical cover at music festivals and use the proceeds to support charities worldwide.

    James Sanderson

    Headshot of James Sanderson

    James Sanderson is director of community health services and personalised care at NHS England where he leads on a range of programmes that are supporting people to have greater choice and control over their health and wellbeing. Programmes include: the delivery of the comprehensive model for personalised care; NHS @home; and the National Palliative and End of Life Care Programme.

    James also leads on community health where the NHS’s ambition is to support more people to stay well and independent at home, wherever they call home, so that they can live their best lives.

    The transformation of community health services through improving the digital and data infrastructure, and working with local systems to develop new models of care, is a key element of the NHS’s recovery. These programmes include the expansion and further roll out of virtual wards, urgent community response, anticipatory care, enhanced health in care homes and intermediate care.

    From 2019-22 James was also chief executive of the National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP), established by the SofS for Health and Social Care in 2019 to advance social prescribing across the arts, health, sports, leisure, and the natural environment, alongside other aspects of our lives.

    James joined NHS England in November 2015 and was formerly the chief executive and accounting officer for the Independent Living Fund (ILF). The ILF was an arm’s length body of the Department for Work and Pensions and supported disabled people across the whole of the UK to live independent lives through the provision of direct payments enabling the purchase of personal assistance support.

    Prior to joining the ILF in 2002, James had a career in the motor industry within a number of sales and marketing roles, in both corporate and retail environments. James is also a performing arts graduate with a background in community theatre.

    You can follow James on Twitter @JamesCSanderson.

    Jo Creed

    Jo Creed has been working within healthcare for over 18 years, initially as an excellence director within primary care. Since 2011 she has been helping health professionals and organisations handle the challenges of working within the NHS and also providing them with ways to empower patients to own their own health outcomes.

    With her foundations in human psychology, she has gone on to combine the skills and tools of neuro-linguistic programming, clean language, behavioural psychology, transactional analysis and motivational interviewing and is passionate about providing NHS professionals with the means to bring an easy to apply methodology into their consultations to improve clinical results and enable the patient to feel they are receiving a patient-centred service.

    John Eastwood

    Headshot of John Eastwood

    Professor Eastwood is medical officer of health and public health physician, National Public Health Service – Southern, Dunedin, New Zealand; executive clinical advisor clinical services integration and population health, Sydney Local Health District, New South Wales, Australia; director national jealth and medical research council, Centre of Research Excellence for Integrated Health and Social Care, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia

    Professor Eastwood is also an adjunct professor, School of Population Health, UNSW, Sydney, Australia; clinical professor, University of Sydney, Australia; and honorary clinical professor, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

    For the last 40 years, he has worked as a senior health executive, public health physician, international development advisor, and population child health specialist. as principal public health advisor to the New Zealand Ministry of Health and Director of Public Health Programs for the New Zealand Public Health Commission, John provided national-level policy advice on public health matters, including general practice and primary care, maternity services, health system reform, legislative reform, nutrition and food administration, health promotion, injury prevention, cancer control, crime prevention, screening and immunisation.

    Professor Eastwood has represented New Zealand at the World Health Assembly and provided technical advice to the WHO on health promotion and child health and development.   He has also undertaken international development work for AusAID, UNFPA and NZODA, including primary healthcare, reproductive health, institutional strengthening of the health system, and maternal, child and youth programme delivery in China and the Pacific.  Professor Eastwood is currently providing technical advice to WHO in relation to Child and Adolescent health and well-being.

    Professor Eastwood’s current research interests are sector capacity building, interagency integrated care, and trans-generational transmission of health and well-being. In 2010 he established the Sydney-based Early Years Research Group and, in 2014, the award winning Healthy Homes and Neighbourhoods Integrated Care Initiative for families experiencing adversity. In 202O he was awarded an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council Centre of Research Excellence grant for Integrated Health and Social Care.  Professor Eastwood is currently in Dunedin, New Zealand where he is working on “Health in All Policy” approaches to population health and integrating health and social care.

    Dr John Rochford

    Headshot of John Roachford

    I am a GP with an interest in Complex Care and Hospital at Home. I am also the deputy chief medical officer for Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust (CLCH). My passion is integrated team working and ‘close to home’ excellent patient care, delivered with little barriers between teams. Community services will take a more important role in the coming years to manage patient frailty and complexity to support both primary care and acute trusts. Therefore, I see great opportunities for what community trusts can deliver and transform to meet this increased need.

    Professor John Unsworth

    Headshot of John Unsworth

    Professor John Unsworth is a registered nurse with more than 30 years’ experience in primary and community care having held posts as a nurse consultant for intermediate care, in specialist nursing, and district nursing. He was also a  nurse director in a geographically large primary care trust in England for eight years. He has experience in health policy nationally and internationally and is an editor of International Nursing Review which focuses on international nursing and health policy. John currently leads the Queen’s Nursing Institute Council and has been a trustee since 2012. He has worked in public health and workforce research for several decades and has developed education nationally and internationally. In 2013 John was made a National Teaching Fellow in recognition of his work around simulation education and student assessment. He became a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in 2016. John chairs the QNI Advanced Community Nursing Practice Standards Advisory Board which is responsible for the development of standards which related to specialist practice in community nursing across all four UK Countries. He has worked internationally to develop practice and higher education teachers in Thailand, China, Hungary, Ghana, Vietnam, Bahrain and in Grenada (West Indies). John was awarded an OBE for services to community nursing in 2022.

    Jonathan Hammond-Williams

    Headshot of Jonathan Hammond-Williams

    I am currently the head of safeguarding within South Western Ambulance Service. I have been in the NHS for almost 20 years and have been qualified as a paramedic since 2010, before going on to work as a Clinical Advisor, providing remote clinical triage for those calling 999, aiming to ensure the right care is provided and reducing any unnecessary conveyance to emergency departments, prior to working as an Operations Officer and Commander, where I learned more about working with our partners in hospital and the challenges we both face in terms of operational pressure and how this impacts on patient care, across the region. After this, I worked as a Clinical Lead, contributing towards the ‘Orange Folder’ project to make sure that care provided was personalised and supportive for those teams less familiar with patients with complex care needs due to their roles not case managing those individuals. I also developed my inter-agency working and liaise with what was then our clinical commissioning groups, seeing how we as a system can work together to provide the right care. In 2018, I became what was then known as our ‘Frequent Caller Lead’. Here, I developed a passion for providing the right care for all, and developing systems to better understand the impact those that repeatedly contact our service have on the system’s ability to provide a service for all. I developed a management system that has won national awards and can identify any caller from any location and count calls and the reasons for those call and their outcomes  automatically, using a daily algorithm to support the data needed to better understand impact and patient need. Today, I hope to join my old roles with my new role, that has shown the crossover not only of High Intensity Use with mental health but also with those safeguarding adult reviews where we can see there are crossovers of self-neglect and high intensity use, in some cases. There are also links between high intensity use and section 42 enquiries, where delays in care have resulted in harm, demonstrating that there are two motivations to support those that have regular complex care needs: both to be more personalised in our approach to ensure neglect is minimised and support is provided but also to see how we can help the system as a whole to be more efficient and prevent harm across the board. This is my passion and I hope you can help me realise it.

  • Karen Jackson

    Headshot of Karen Jackson

    Karen Jackson has been the chief executive of Locala Community Partnerships CIC since April 2018 and has lead the organisation in their journey to a rating of good from the CQC. She is also currently a governor of a local college and a trustee of two local charities.

    Karen has significant leadership experience as chief executive at a number of NHS acute trusts and previously as director of finance in the NHS. She has been responsible for delivering quality and financial improvements and driving a significantly improved culture around quality and patient safety, and staff engagement.

    Karen is a qualified chartered accountant having trained at KPMG.

    Professor Katherine Sleeman

    Headshot of Katherine Sleeman

    Professor Katherine Sleeman is the Laing Galazka Chair in Palliative Care, at the Cicely Saunders Institute, King's College London, and an Honorary Consultant in Palliative Medicine at King's College Hospital NHS Trust. Katherine's research uses a variety of methods, particularly routine data analysis, and focuses on the intersection between palliative care and policy to understand and improve care for people with advanced illness. She leads the Marie Curie Better End of Life programme, and from January 2024 will be the director of the new NIHR Policy Research Unit for palliative and end of life care. In 2019 Katherine received the inaugural Women in Palliative Care award from the European Association of Palliative Care, and in 2020 she received a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust fellowship to strengthen public and policy engagement in palliative care.

    Dr Layla McCay

    Headshot of Layla McKay

    Layla joined the NHS Confederation in 2018 as Director of International Relations and Director of the NHS European Office; since 2021 these have been incorporated into her wider role as Director of Policy. Layla joined the NHS Confederation following a medical career and a decade of leadership roles in international public health and health systems policy. After obtaining her medical degree at the University of Glasgow, Layla trained as a psychiatrist at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, where she later also sat on the trust board. She first moved into national health policy as Clinical Advisor to the NHS Medical Director at the Department of Health. Layla went on to earn a Masters degree in Health Policy, Planning and Financing from LSE and LSHTM and took up the role of Assistant Medical Director at Bupa. From there, Layla moved into international public health and health systems. She has held international roles at the World Health Organisation, the World Bank and at several global health NGOs, think tanks and universities based in Washington, Tokyo, Hong Kong and London, and has led teams across Africa and Asia. She has held academic positions at Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Hong Kong University, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and at TED. Layla is founder of the Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health, is an Asia Global Fellow, and has written on health issues for a diversity of international publications from The Lancet, to New Statesman, National Geographic, and South China Morning Post. Her book Restorative Cities: urban design for mental health and wellbeing was published by Bloomsbury in 2021. Follow on Twitter @LaylaMcCay

    Lucy de Las Casas

    Headshot of Lucy de Las Casas

    Lucy de Las Casas is director of development at Voluntary Norfolk where she works across the Services and Infrastructure provision. She has worked in the voluntary sector for 20 years in a range of roles including programme development, income generation, change management, communications, measurement of social impact and consulting. Prior to working at Voluntary Norfolk she worked as a freelance consultant, at New Philanthropy Capital (NPC), and in business development and management consulting.

    Matthew Taylor

    Matthew Taylor

    Matthew joined the NHS Confederation as its chief executive in June 2021, having been chief executive of the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) for 15 years.  During his tenure, Matthew transformed the RSA into a global institution, with 30,000 fellows and a high profile and influential research programme.  

    Before the RSA, Matthew was chief adviser on political strategy to Prime Minister Tony Blair and he also ran the Institute for Public Policy Research for 5 years. He is a widely known commentator on policy, politics and public service reform and regularly appears on national media programmes, including as a panellist on BBC Radio 4’s Moral Maze.  He was series editor for the Thames and Hudson ‘Big Ideas’ books and his own book ‘Do we need to work?’ was published in 2021. He was commissioned by the Conservative government in 2016 to carry out an independent review into modern employment practices.  Matthew presents the podcast series ‘Health on the Line’ (for NHS Confederation) and ‘Forward Vision’ (for the Forward Institute). He tweets @ConfedMatthew 

    Michael Crowther

    Headshot of Michael Crowther

    Michael has been chief executive of The Kirkwood Support Life since 2014, a charity based in Kirklees (West Yorkshire) that supports anyone affected by any life limiting illness, every step of the wayHaving delivered significant change and growth in this period, The Kirkwood Support Life is recognised by health and social care partners as leading the commissioning and provision of palliative and end of life care services for its local population. The Kirkwood has a track record of high quality service delivery and innovative models in both care and income generation. The charity has increased the patients and families that benefit from care and support by over 100 per cent in the nine years Michael has been chief executive. In that time Michael has improved the visibility and influence of the charity within its health and social care system, and was instrumental in setting up the West Yorkshire Hospice Collaborative, which is fully inclusive of all Hospices that meet the needs of our local population. Michael represents the collaborative within the West Yorkshire Integrated Care System (ICS) as a member of the System Leadership Executive Group. Prior to The Kirkwood Michael has had key roles in the development of national and local organisations in Health and Social Care, from leading operational improvement for NHS Professionals Doctors to the creation of one of the largest health based community interest companies in the UK, Locala Health and Wellbeing CIC.

    Miriam Deakin

    Headshot of Miriam Deakin

    Miriam began her career in local government, working in management roles at the centre of large councils and in social care.  She developed her interest in policy and influencing work at the Local Government Association working on securing support and autonomy for councils to drive their own improvement.  Miriam joined NHS Providers in 2012 and has supported and led their policy and influencing programme on behalf of trusts since that time, with a particular recent focus on system working, and collaboration between trusts and their local partners.  Miriam has been director of policy and strategy at NHS Providers for the last two years.  She holds specific responsibilities for driving organisational strategy, and leads a strong team of professionals across analysis, policy and public affairs.

    Dr Niamh Lennox-Chhugani

    Headshot of Niamh Lennox-Chhugani

    Dr Niamh Lennox-Chhugani is chief executive of the International Foundation for Integrated Care. She has over 30 years’ experience in evidence-based transformation in healthcare internationally as a clinician, academic and consultant. Her UK practice experience spans leading the integration of health and education service design and provision for children in the NHS in the early 1990’s to advising on the implementation of new integrated care models in the NHS over the last 8 years. She also has international policy experience with the World Bank and WHO which includes health system policy reform in Europe, Africa and Asia. As a subject matter expert on integrated care as part of wider healthcare reform, she has spoken at conferences, on panels, written papers and book chapters, contributed as part of international teams to health system reviews and integrated care evaluations. She has a PhD from Imperial College London in organisation change in healthcare.

    Nicola Lorena

    I am a senior project manager for virtual wards in Central London Community Healthcare (CLCH) NHS Trust. I have worked in the NHS as a physiotherapist for over 20 years, most recently in community settings in inner London. I helped to establish a frailty hospital at home service in Wandsworth and Merton in 2021 whilst completing a Darzi fellowship with CLCH. For the past year I have continued to work in the area of virtual wards, supporting the development of a further 3 Frailty Hospital at Home services and virtual wards being delivered by CLCH.

    Peter Almond

    Headshot of Peter Almond

    I’m Peter Almond, Cheshire and Merseyside Remote Monitoring Programme Manager supporting the rollout of virtual wards across the ICB. I have worked within the remote monitoring for 10 years, initially implementing the use Telehealth to support patients with long-term health conditions. During the pandemic I helped to pivot the Telehealth resource to support COVID patients that led to the involvement of remote monitoring within virtual wards. More recently we’ve used remote monitoring to monitor and optimise patients awaiting cardiac surgery. To date, over 40,000 patients in Cheshire and Merseyside have used Telehealth as part of their care and I’m looking to continue spreading and scaling this service across new clinical pathways within the ICB.

    Peter Day

    Peter is a professor of children’s oral health and consultant in paediatric dentistry. He works at the University of Leeds, Leeds Dental Institute and Bradford Community Dental Service. He is passionate about keeping children healthy and out of hospital. His research focuses on primary prevention and the integration of oral health across early-years services.

    Ruthe Isden

    Ruthe leads Age UK’s external advocacy work on health and social care for older people. Ruthe’s policy interests include health and social care integration, public service reform in the context of an ageing population and improving patient experience.

    Sophie Green

    Sophie Green is a neighbourhoods project manager working across City and Hackney in London. Sophie started her career in the NHS as a physiotherapist and has been fortunate to work in a number of organisations and settings. During her time as a clinician Sophie helped to establish a hospital at home service and cardiac rehabilitation programme, before moving into a system wide transformation role. Over the last year she has led on the development and delivery of a new Proactive Care pathway and in conjunction with the rest of the Neighbourhoods programme team and partners continues to focus on reducing health inequalities and improving how people work together in City and Hackney.

    Dr Omotayo Kufeji

    Headshot of Tayo Kufeji

    Dr Tayo Kufeji is an enthusiastic and innovative GP partner at Newport Pagnell Medical Centre, which is the largest practice in Milton Keynes. He is the GP lead and the Clinical Director for The Bridge Primary Care Network (PCN), incorporating two practices in Milton Keynes and covering over 28,000 residents. Dr Kufeji is also a board member of the Milton Keynes Urgent Care services (MKUCS) provider. He has previously served as a Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) GP board member for four years and now sits on the board of the Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK) Integrated Care Board as a primary medical services member. He also serves on the Board of Trustees for two local charities in Milton Keynes, helping to serve the community with his skills and experience.

    Victoria Corbishley

    Headshot of Victoria Corbishley

    Victoria joined the British Red Cross in early October 2020 as its new national director for health and local crisis response. Victoria will lead the implementation of British Red Cross' new strategy - including targeted design and delivery of person-centred services and programmes in areas of high health inequality. Prior to joining BRC, Victoria was the chief innovation officer at Brunel Partners Academic Centre for Health Sciences. Previously Victoria held a number of strategic development roles within NHSE, including head of new care models and transformation director at Eastern Academic Health Science Network. Victoria is also a trustee at Brandon Centre, a charity delivering mental health and sexual health services for young people in North London. 

  • British Red Cross

    Logo for the British Red Cross

    The British Red Cross have worked with the NHS since it was established. We deliver person-centred services that: address health inequalities; prevent avoidable admissions and delayed discharges; reduce high intensity use; and maximise health and independence at home   

    Email: | Website: | Twitter: @BritishRedCross

    Dance to Health

    Dance to Health Logo

    Dance to Health is a pioneering falls-prevention dance programme. We run year-long weekly dance classes across the UK that have integrated within them well-evidenced exercise programmes practiced by Postural Stability Instructors. The classes have been proven to be effective through a three-year study by Sheffield Hallam University. Participants are 58 per cent less likely to suffer from a fall within a year, and significantly less likely to be hospitalised in the event of a fall. Classes are commissioned by ICSs, ICBs, local authorities and more. Dance to Health is fun, social, and saves lives. 

    Email: | Website:  | Twitter: @Dance_to_Health 


    doccla logo

    Doccla is a virtual ward company. Founded in 2018, we have since maintained an unwavering ambition to supply the very best patient monitoring service with the highest levels of clinician and patient satisfaction.

    Clients praise our comprehensive support, which frees them from worrying about implementation, technology, logistics and patient compliance. We take care of every detail to allow clinicians to focus on what they do best, caring for patients. Our service is proven to reduce costs for a wide range of pathways, improving outcomes and freeing resources. It is the future of healthcare, today.

    Email: | Website: | Twitter: @docclaUK

    FODO, the Association for Eye Care Providers 

    FODO - The Association for Eye Care Providers logo

    FODO, the Association for Eye Care Providers, is the leading national association for eye care providers in the UK. Our members provide the vast majority of primary eye care, including over 18 million sight tests and a wide range of other NHS eye care services. 

    Email:  | Website:, | Twitter: @FODO1 @NCHAhearing 


    Homelink Healthcare

    Home Link Healthcare Logo

    HomeLink Healthcare is a clinician-led, specialist Hospital at Home service provider. We believe that everyone should have the choice to be treated at home rather than in a hospital and have been delivering safe, high-quality services to NHS patients in the place they call home since 2016. By working in partnership with hospitals, consultants, community providers and GPs to provide ‘out of hospital’ care we prevent some people being admitted to hospital and enable others to come home more quickly. We provide Hospital at Home services through a number of pathways: Early Supported Discharge, Discharge to Assess, Virtual Wards, Re-ablement, Rehabilitation, Anticipatory Care and Bridging Packages of Care. HomeLink Healthcare is a named supplier on the NHS SBS Patient Discharge and Mental Health Step Down Beds Services Framework Agreement. Organisations can contract with us directly and we can get a new service up and running in around 12 weeks.

    Email: | Website: | Twitter: @HomeLinkHealth


    Do you want to improve patient outcomes? Reduce workforce pressures? Ensure efficient use of resources? We’d like to invite you to meet with one of our Strategic Business Managers at the Health Beyond the Hospital Conference and Exhibition, London on Wednesday 27 September. Our expert team at Mölnlycke will be able to discuss ways in which we can support you to achieve better patient and healthcare system outcomes. Our Mölnlycke Momentum programme is a comprehensive tissue viability support service. The programme facilitates the provision and development of sustainable and integrated wound care through the implementation of a series of packages tailored to meet the clinical and financial needs of your organisation. Mölnlycke Momentum is ultimately designed to help you improve patient outcomes and clinical governance, reduce workforce pressure and ensure efficient use of resources. To arrange to meet the team please contact Sindy Samson 07508025145. We look forward to seeing you in London!

    Email: | Website: | Twitter: Molnyckeuk

    M A Training Enterprise Ltd– The Aligned Care Programme

    The Aligned Care Programme was developed by Annette Bradley (M A Training Enterprise Ltd) and Jo Creed (J&S development services ltd) because of the intense passion they shared for wanting to empower health professionals to empower their patients and provide the highest level of patient care possible. Having over 40 years’ experience working within the NHS, Jo and Annette recognised that together their expertise would be the unique combination that would make the difference to patients of all ages and increase motivation for health and allied professionals. Initial results from qualitative data collection and feedback from both patients and staff show that the Aligned Care approach is empowering patients to manage their condition, improving clinical, health and wellbeing outcomes and making every consultation more effective. The success is down to the approach which is very different from standard health coaching and personalised care training. It combines clinical skills and psychological, nlp, transactional analysis, motivational interviewing, and coaching perspectives to enable health care and allied professionals to approach consultations and conversations in a new way particularly for patients with long term conditions. We will continue to extend the programme to different health and social care sectors.

    Email: | Website: /

    National Association of Primary Care

    National Association of Primary Care logo

    At the National Association of Primary Care (NAPC) we support and enable health and care systems to make transformational changes - big and small. Building the energy, commitment and capability across systems to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for people, communities and the workforce that serve them. Through the development of integrated neighbourhood teams, we support systems to create sustainable health and care services which meet population needs and use resources efficiently and effectively, which in turn empowers those living and working in the community to flourish.

    Email: | Website: | Twitter: @napc_nhs


    National Community Hearing Association (NCHA)

    NCHA - National Community Hearing Association logo

    The National Community Hearing Association (NCHA) is the professional representative body for community hearing care providers in the UK. We exist to improve hearing care for all and work with the NHS, health and social care bodies and policymakers to make this happen.  

    Email:  | Website: | Twitter: @NCHAhearing 

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Delegates at the Health and Care Women Leaders Network Annual Conference 2019.

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