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Showing 1345 - 1356 of 1544 results

Lives we want to lead

We fundamentally disagree with the proposal for health and wellbeing boards to take on statutory duties to commission primary and community care.

16 September 2018

Welsh Government draft budget

Radical transformation of healthcare is now the only way in which NHS Wales can hope to be on a sustainable footing for the longer term.

13 September 2018

GP partnership review

A revised GP partnership model must enable and embrace the evolving primary care landscape and support the ability for development across ICSs.

6 September 2018

The key priorities for carers in Wales

Key areas the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee should consider on the impact of the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 on carers.

29 August 2018

Core Principles leaflet

The Core Principles have been developed to help and support NHS Wales staff.

28 August 2018

The lives we want to lead

NHS Confederation response to the Local Government Association's social care green paper consultation.

28 August 2018

Y celfyddydau ar gyfer iechyd a lles

Mae’r briff hwn yn rhoi trosolwg o’r ffyrdd y mae GIG Cymru yn gwireddu’r cyfle hwn ac yn gwella canlyniadau ar gyfer cleifion.

7 August 2018